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Live Blogs Makai Kingdom: So it shall be written, so it shall be liveblogged
WillyFourEyes2011-12-03 09:12:10

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Stage 4-6: The High King (Boss Battle!)

Zetta and his crew have successfully cornered Raiden. Before they can start fighting, Alex pops in and gloats, asking him "Why won't you die?" Zetta figures out that Alex was the one who had sent Raiden to kill him. He guesses wrong about Alex attempting to kill him himself by rewriting the Sacred Tome, though. Alex claims to not even know what the Sacred Tome, and orders Raiden to attack.

First area: three Death Sabers to the north, armed with nunchucks. Ryu, Miyako, Morrigan and Woody kill them, but aren't able to find a path to the next area until Meredith finds a map underneath a tree. A small group of foes is waiting for them just up the road. They try to destroy the hut, what with it being the strongest building on the field, but "Malfus" comes to the rescue and eliminates the would-be saboteur from afar. This opens the road to the area where Raiden is stationed.

"Come and get me, if you dare," he bellows.

"Oh, we dare, all right," says Steve.

Steve looks around and sees four bomberheads, two armed with bazooka and two more with gatling guns, perched on the mountain surrounding Raiden. There's also a factory in the back, but they don't know what's stored inside.

"...just, uh...give us a few minutes, okay?"

They find out soon enough, as another bomberhead emerges from the factory piloting an RX-66 Helldam.

"Whoa!" says Miyako. "That thing looks like death on two legs! I'm out."

She scurries back into the hut, allowing Astral the walking magical nuke to take her place.

"What was that all about?" asks Meredith. "She was ready to take on that samurai that we couldn't beat..."

A few of the bomberheads advance forward, launching token offense (with the bomberhead riding the fake Gundam gunning down Ryuunosuke) before being chewed up and torn apart by the team.

"ENOUGH!" bellows Raiden, his thunder drum crackling and rending the heavens themselves as he lumbers forward. "It's time for me to finish what I should have done in the Forbidden Library. You and your filth must be judged, Zetta!"

"He's coming this way!" Kashiwa screams. She takes refuge in the hut, and Graz joins the team on the battlefield from the shop. Everyone else spreads out and falls back until he gets within range. Astral, Malfus and Woody launch the first salvo of offense, dealing a good bit of damage to him. Raiden retaliates with his thunder drum, which is strong enough to incapacitate Morrigan and grievously injure Meredith (before Malfus patches her up again, anyway). Graz, Meredith, Woody, and Steve use their most powerful techniques on Raiden to bring him down.

"Hahahahahaha..." Raiden's voice echoes.

"What's he laughing about?" asks Meredith. "We just defeated him."

"Just defeated? Your minions are a presumptuous lot, Lord Zetta. Rest assured, I will return...and you will die!"

With Raiden "temporarily" defeated, Zetta ponders who else it might have rewritten the Sacred Tome to include that message (Alex says he didn't do it, and Zetta notes that he isn't the type to resort to trickery).

Back high above the clouds, Pram catches Trenia watching the action on a television set (what's it plugged into, anyway?), and demands answers. Trenia, seemingly intent on raising Pram's hackles, says that she knows everything, but isn't saying what. Pram is ready to kill her, but can't because Zetta has declared her off-limits.


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