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Live Blogs Let's fight...and farm! It's Rune Factory Frontier!
WillyFourEyes2010-12-10 15:15:44

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It's Lutesday again! Raguna goes to the town square with a grin on his face. He asks Lute to set up a Great Forge for him, which he does in a jiffy (after Raguna forks over 8,000 gold, of course). The Forge comes with a larger furnace and a board for crafting bigger accessories (unlike the kitchen stuff, these thankfully don't come sold separately). Upon receiving his new tools, Raguna goes home to upgrade his axe (into a Lumber Axe) and watering can (into a Lion Can) with the silver he's mined from the Lava Ruins. The new tools prove to be a big boon to him. The Lumber Axe knocks out those annoying tree stumps in three powered strokes instead of six, and the Lion Can is capable of watering a 3x3 grid of crops with only one use of water. Talk about efficient! Just for the sake of extending his magic repertoire, Raguna puts together a Water Rod, which he finds shoots a stream of concentrated water (Aqua...HADOKEN!). He also puts together a generic Crest, which has the added benefit of boosting his defense. That'll serve him well down there in the Lava Ruins when he faces off against those golem-tanks while mining.

The very next day, Anette brings a letter of thanks from Melody for the green grass, and now she wants him to send some Red Grass...her favorite color. He has one tuft of the stuff left, so he rushes inside and grabs it from his fridge before Anette runs off to Mist and Rosetta's house to deliver their mail.

While milling around in his dungeons to get the crops he planted there, he obtains some cabbages from the Green Ruins and some Pink Cat flowers from the Lava Ruins. No one in the village seems too particularly impressed with them (I'm guessing that this may be Iris' thing). With more silver ore in hand, he returns home once again so that he can work on his hammer. The Silver hammer can break some of the harder rocks in the dungeons, opening up new pathways and getting higher-quality materials from mining. With the money he's made from his crop boom today, Raguna visits Selphy once again to purchase books on making accessories. They're mostly meant for girls (such as pendants, ribbons and headbands), but as long as they provide defense and attack buffs, Raguna sees no problem walking out in public wearing a katyusha or a self-knit woolen scarf.

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