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Live Blogs Let's fight...and farm! It's Rune Factory Frontier!
WillyFourEyes2010-12-10 15:15:09

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31: Dueling Shopkeepers

Getting a hot spring visual upgrade? Cool. Getting your ass handed to yourself by golems because you weren't paying attention when a rocket punch came flying at your head? Not cool. So once again, Raguna wakes up to Lara's worried face in the infirmary. This day, he does his best to stay out of trouble and not do any fighting in the dungeons. When he goes to sleep at night, he hears the voice again, and he/she/it wants Raguna to bring something to them. (Huh? Who? What? Where?)

The day after hearing the dream, it starts raining. This could be a precursor to another crop-destroying storm, so Raguna thinks to gather some more Runeys to wish for another Sunny Week.

A response to Raguna's initial letter from Tart/Tori came in (I'm gonna stick with Tori, because that's how I'm always gonna remember her). She now wants to know how the festivals are different from what Kaldia has. So far, there haven't been too many festivals (one for the New Year, which I'm contractually obligated to miss because it's always the "first day in the village" for the HM protagonist; and a day for celebrating the opening of the beach, which doesn't really count as a festival, because only Raguna and the young girls were invited), so Raguna writes to her and says "there'll be another festival here soon, too". By the look of the calendar, the next festival (or should I say, the first one Raguna will get to participate in) is the Ganesha Cup boat race on the 25th. This shouldn't be too hard to win, but it's likely that I won't.

But, joy of joys, we've got veggies growing once again. Tomatoes and corn on Rags' field, and onions fresh out of the Lava Ruins (soon to be replaced by pineapples). They're going to take quite a while to grow - about 18 days, says the item description - but they are guaranteed to taste awesome when they're finished.

He goes into the business district looking around for Candy, since she's not in the clock tower and it's raining outside. Turns out she's hanging out at Ganesha and Marco's place today. (That Toy Ship's still floating on, no matter how much they want to deny it.)

Meanwhile, over in Materia, Rosetta and Danny are engaged in a Cross-Popping Veins match. Danny straight-up accuses Rosie of using mind tricks to steal his customer base away. Rosie takes umbrage to these allegations, and shoves him out of the store. Between Rosetta's well-groomed shelves and Danny's cobweb-covered merchandise, it's pretty clear who the winner in this argument is. (No contest! What a waste of time!)

Raguna asks Rosetta later on about what happened between her and Danny, but she tells him it's no big deal, and these things are expected to happen when one starts their own business. Danny, meanwhile, is entertaining closing up shop. Somebody's pride was certainly bruised today...

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