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Live Blogs Ladies like it Pinkishly Orangely Green - Let's Play Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
phoenixdaughterAM2012-10-09 14:35:47

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Hiya. phoenixdaughterAM here. And while I do enjoy the Persona series, I figured I should start again on my Let's Play's with a different game. Yes, I do plan on eventually getting beyond Persona at some point but...right now, with a hostile environment at home, I don't plan on making more progress. Therefore, let's get into my personal favorite game of not just the series, but all time...

Persona 3 Portable is the remake of the original Persona 3 for the Play Station Portable. Some things were lost in this translation, such as 3D graphics for the main world and cutscenes. However, the tradeoff is a new Female Protagonist for the game. She mostly exists to easily bring about the improvements to the system to the Social Links that Persona 4 gave, such as all team members being links and the optional romancing of them. A combat “improvement” was also made in that the characters can be controlled by the player optionally. Personally I didn't have too much problem with the AI (expect for Mitsuru Mind Charging) does work well on saving MP and I am a conservative type of person.

Our protagonist is going to be Female on Easy difficulty. (Still a wuss here) I plan on doing a New Game Plus of the Male afterward in a different liveblog after this. There are going to be some small help here. I shall consult a guide for fusion and other requests but otherwise, this shall be a clear playthrough by me. Also to note that, similar to Pulse's LP of Persona 4, this shall be written in first person perspective. I do dabble in fics on occasion and I did always want a long playthrough-ish one, I just never had the ambition too. Also note, I do have a love interest in mind here and for those of you who know my shipping preferences, you already know it. Don't spoil it for those that don't know.

So with all of the intro's out of the way, let's begin Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable!


phoenixdaughterAM Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 25th 2012 at 5:39:31 PM
By the way, I know that one of the requests from Theo requires not getting the courage concotion and getting a certian item from him. Can I do that anytime or is it just after I accept the request?
Otherarrow Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 25th 2012 at 6:06:06 PM
I think it's after you accept the request. There are several of the Velvet Quests where the event that gives you the item doesn't appear until you accept the quest.

Also, Theo doesn't seem nearly as enjoyable as Elizabeth.

Also also, I was just thinking of Maneater before I saw this update!
phoenixdaughterAM Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 25th 2012 at 6:16:31 PM
DARN IT! I believe it comes at a time when I never get tired...but I can check.

He's...somewhat less out-there and more innocent.
Pulse Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 25th 2012 at 9:02:25 PM
Actually, Edogawa will give you the Powerful Drug anytime you say you don't want to try the jujube-rabbit's foot-etc concoction.

Minako seems to know a bit about quite a wide range of things, huh?
Otherarrow Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 25th 2012 at 9:20:38 PM
Sorry for my misinformation. You have to be tired to even go for it, and I only attempted the quest at the point in the game where the only way to get tired is random chance during studying or right after a Full Moon.

Again, sorry.
phoenixdaughterAM Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 26th 2012 at 11:25:47 AM
@Arrow Ah. That's alright. It just means I can get it sooner than later! (And give up one of my courage boosting days but eh.)

@Pulse -shrug- I guess she was partially raised with TV since Maya does have to work a lot. And did I mention that she loves music?