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Live Blogs DOUBLE LIVEBLOG!! KSPAM Does A Side-By-Side Comparison Of NGE And RoE
KSPAM2011-02-06 16:16:43

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Okay, my last liveblog didn't work out so well. But come on, you could tell from episode one Freezing was going to be shit.

Instead, I'm going to follow an established formula. Liveblog a popular and snark-worthy anime! But this time, a tweest! Do a side-review of another equally popular anime! Doesn't hurt that said anime is also a reboot of the first.

So sit back and relax, we've got a lot of material to cover. At certain intervals, one of the Rebuild movies will be covered as a little break (and as an ad-hoc antidepressant). Ready? No? TOO BAD LET'S GO!


melloncollie Since: Dec, 1969
Feb 9th 2011 at 9:54:25 PM
Have you... not seen Eva before? This feels really weird!
KSPAM Since: Dec, 1969
Feb 10th 2011 at 2:50:48 PM
No, actually I haven't. This is my first time through the actual series, although I've caught bits and pieces now and again.