* FridgeHorror: Nagisa is still alive by the end of Sonoko’s track and she doesn't know what's happened to her brother, just that he's been taken. How do you think she’s going to react when she finds that her beloved "onii-chan" has been murdered and she didn't even notice his skull in her room?
* HollywoodHomely: Sonoko is apparently hideous. According to [[AlphaBitch Ayase]].
* MemeticMutation: Very popular on Nicovideo, leading to many remixes and parodies.
* NightmareFuel: Considering this is a Yandere audio franchise, this should be expected.
** Sonoko's track is pretty disturbing. [[spoiler:She stabs Ayase in the stomach with a shovel and turns her in fertilizer. Sometime before the audio, she apparently killed TheProtagonist and is using his ''skull'' as a flowerpot. Chances are that he wasn't dead for long so she probably removed his eyes, brain, hair, muscle and skin.]]
** Nana and Nono's track is creepy. First off, they're little girls and they're the youngest {{Yandere}}s in the series. Second, they treat dangerous and normal things like a game. So when they're fighting Yumemi, they're giggling and treating it like a game. [[spoiler:They don't even treat killing her like it's a big deal. They just move onto the Protagonist and kill him in the bathroom.]]
** And then there's Yumemi’s track. The track begins ''after'' she’s already eliminated the others, so we have to listen to her describe how she killed them one by one, all in a cheery and cutesy manner. Of course, there are moments when that cheerfulness slips, and she instead goes into a [[ClusterFBomb foul-mouthed]] and [[UnstoppableRage psychotic rage]]… which may or may not be worse, really.
* ValuesDissonance: All the girls have their 'quirks' that make them creepy, like Nagisa having an obsessive brother complex, Sakuya using her wealth (and violent guard dogs) as a means to isolate the protagonist, and Yumia being [[spoiler:an overprotective military robot]]. Most of these are justifiably creepy and are written as character flaws - but the one 'quirk' that probably aged the worst was [[spoiler:the reveal that Tomoe is a {{Chuunibyou}} who's deluded herself into thinking she's actually a woman trapped in a man's body]]. While most audiences now recognize [[spoiler:Tomoe]] and her struggles as being apart of the trans experience, [[spoiler:the narrative treats Tomoe like what makes her creepy is not ''just'' her obsessive/stalker-y behavior, but also that [[UnsettlingGenderReveal she was dishonest about her biological sex, to the protagonist's disgust]], and framing Tomoe's desire to 'be a woman' as a sign that she's completely out of touch with reality.]] Making matters worse is that official materials, like the website, [[spoiler:consistently refer to her as male despite also stating she "has the heart of a woman"[[note]]A term in Japanese often used to describe pre-op trans women[[/note]], which has led to further confusion from fans who are split between Tomoe being a delusional CreepyCrossdresser, or simply a transgender woman who's otherwise fantasy-prone, and takes to these fantasies to cope with gender dysphoria.]] However, with the CD being released [[TurnOfTheMillennium in the late 2000s]], it's no surprise that anti-trans stereotypes played into her story - much of the awareness we now have about transgender people and how gender dysphoria manifests would not come into the mainstream until the following decade, not to mention transgender acceptance in Japan is still an uphill battle as of TheNewTwenties.
* TheWoobie: Elise. All she ever wanted was some friends and someone to love her, but Alice stole every possible friend and boyfriend she could've had (including her current one) [[spoiler: because of her incestuous love for her]]. In Alice's Track, [[spoiler: she [[DrivenToSuicide kills herself]] because she can no longer stand it.]] In her own track, [[spoiler: [[TheDogBitesBack she finally snaps and kills Alice]] then goes to live happily ever after with her boyfriend.]]