* BodyHorror: Shortly after the villains leave Orthamotch, there is the description of an owl that is unable to kill to eat, and is starving, but is unable to die. Crosses over with FridgeHorror when one realizes that a number of predators and carnivores, like wolves, foxes, hawks, and other such normal meat-eating creatures, which are neither good nor evil, are probably in a similar situation.
* KeepCirculatingTheTapes: The book is currently out-of-print, at least in soft cover and hard cover forms. Getting those will cost at least $30 on Amazon, or a trip to the library, which might have a copy or can get a hold of another library that does - just remember to return it on time, lest you find yourself [[BrainwashingForTheGreaterGood Whitewashed]] by the librarian themselves! On the other hand, there are Audiobook and Kindle options, which are relatively cheaper, and don't involve dealing with [[ScaryLibrarian any]] [[MagicLibrarian kind]] [[EvilLibrarians of]] [[HotLibrarian librarians]].
* MoralEventHorizon: [[spoiler: Mizzamir crosses this on mulitple levels: by arranging mind-control across the land, by inflicting unjust punishments that are worse than simple death, and by raping Sam's mother and wiping her memory, which damaged her mind.]]
* TrueNeutral: The druids, who as keepers of balance sided with the forces of Good and then Evil depending on who was winning. Neither side liked this naturally, and both slaughtered the druids.