* ArchivePanic: Just look at the read-through and not get a little overwhelmed. I dare you.
* HoYay: Legolas and Faramir Two, much? Since Faramir Two is canonically gay and Legolas is a bit ambiguously so, this is dancing along the line between HoYay and textual {{UST}}.
* {{Narm}}: Comparing The Littlest Edward's danger factor (Danger to toys.) to Tonner Edward's danger factor (Real blood.) leads squarely into this trope in story, when looking back on TLE's Wangst:
-->He was cute and sweet and even pitiful at times, but when he had bitten [[Film/TheGoldenCompass Iorek]], it was because he had wanted to taste suffering. (Fluffy, delicious suffering. Okay, I laughed a little, even then.)
* RescuedFromTheScrappyHeap: Even the most militant anti-Twilight fans can't help loving The Littlest Edward, and even Tonner Edward is likable in his own creepy way. Bella is a bit more work, but she's slowly edging toward this.
** Tonner Bella seems to have officially made it. [[WordOfGod Cleolinda]] stated that The Littlest Bella is a girl on a bad day while Tonner Bella has the exact opposite personality of Bella from the books. She seems to be the character Creator/StephenieMeyer ''thought'' she was writing.
* StrawmanHasAPoint: Anna regarding Tonner Edward.
* {{Wangst}}: Tonner Edward, The Littlest Edward, and The Littlest Bella obviously. Mostly it's TLE though, and it's frequently hilarious:
-->"I told you over and over again, I tried to warn you that I'm dangerous!" he said, his voice quavering. "I'm so weak--I'm such a monster!" And then he began to beat his head against the wall.
-->"Oh--for God's sake--don't--STOP THAT."
-->"I'm ''glad'' I'm not made of marble." (''Thonk, thonk.'') "I ''deserve'' to feel pain." (''Thonk, thonk, thonk.'') "I deserve to feel ''a lot'' of pain."
** Surprisingly, this was averted completely with Tonner Bella. She's friendly, cheerful, easy-going - all things that make her the ''complete opposte'' of book!Bella.
* WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids: Cleo may be playing with dolls, but one look at these examples will tell you this isn't exactly tea parties and dress up. Well, as of the [[http://cleoland.pbworks.com/w/page/32742509/slod-10-1114-haunting Haunting]] episode (with incredible spoilers), it is, but it is still not appropriate for kids.