* EpilepticTrees: They started to show up once people analyzed the meanings of the secret messages hidden in the various levels (see ShownTheirWork).
* FanNickname:
** [=TCon=] is the abbreviation for the game on [=GameFAQs=].
** Quarter Ring of Death - A glitch in the multiplayer mode where a quarter ring shows up in the middle of the screen when you enter the match, and you can't move. You have to either wait for the match to end, or restart your Wii to get off that screen.
* GoddamnBats: The little alien creatures that pour out of the pods (guess they're called "Mites", first seen in Mission 4) are very annoying and very fast. The red ones also explode, meaning you have to take them out from a distance. You can chew up a lot of ammo just trying to keep the little buggers at bay, plus even more ammo destroying their pods so they don't keep coming at you while you try to figure your way around the area.
* MemeticMutation: The phrase [[TranslationTrainWreck "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"]] first came up in a [[Website/{{FourChan}} 4chan]] thread on this game. The thread was ''immediately'' derailed.
* PlayerPunch: The whole game, you start to get attached to [[spoiler:your ally, Prometheus.]] Then it turns out that [[spoiler:he's the template for the Drudge, and you have to kill him to make sure that no more are created.]] And then, at the end of the next (and final) level, [[spoiler:you find out he [[BrainUploading uploaded his consciousness to the ASE]]]].
* SugarWiki/VisualEffectsOfAwesome: The game really pushes the limits of the Wii's hardware, with highly detailed textures and smooth animations.