* AssPull: Played for laughs with [[spoiler:Bartleby, Sid and Stephen's other roommate "who only exists every hundredth strip"]] and always inexplicably solves the current problem whenever he shows up.
* GeniusBonus:
** [[http://www.terrorisland.net/strips/046.html One strip]] has Sid attempt to use a hypno-kit to hypnotize Stephen into buying groceries. Stephen then suggests that it might actually be a "shopping disk" disguised as a hypno-kit that forces anyone who uses it to go grocery shopping. Sid replies that that's probably not even a real thing, but Stephen counters that "[[SeriousBusiness grocery shopping has infinite negative utility for us]]", and Sid cries "Curse you and [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_Wager Pascal]] both!"
** Aorist got a fake review of Jame's restaurant published in "Fake Review Magazine" after the fake grand opening. He gave it [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaginary_number 5i]] stars. They were originally going to give it 5i+2, but that would have been too complex.
** Liln goes to Sid and Stephen's costume party dressed as [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parmenides Parmenides]].