* CompleteMonster: [[AristocratsAreEvil Count Raum of Aetha]] is a vampiric Wraith nobleman who rules the lower Helot classes as a vicious despot. To prolong his {{immortality|Immorality}}, Raum demands tributes and sacrifices, having innocent Helots abducted to be painfully harvested for blood, which has crippled the lower classes. When he judges a sacrifice inadequate, Raum kills the man for enjoyment. Also indulging in brutal torture, Raum slaughtered all the other nobles who knew of his blood machine to protect his secrets. Not even caring when his supposedly beloved wife Empusa dies (he's more concerned that his blood machine's refinement process failed), Raum shows he is one of the worst in all of the realms of chaos or order alike.
%%* DemonicSpiders: The Glakk.
* SugarWiki/FunnyMoments: ''"You chipped'' my '''ear''' ''off!"''
** If you successfully bring Jen back after she runs out of health in human form, one of Scree's possible reactions is to chide her by saying, ''"Take better care of yourself!"'' [[{{Tearjerker/Primal}} Other times, he may say something like "Thought I'd lost you that time!" Also, if you fail by taking too long about it...]]
* NightmareFuel
** Young Princess Elizabeth in Aetha carries a dead rat around by the tail. When Jen expresses sympathy Elizabeth proudly announces she killed it. It's named Claude ([[PunnyName clawed]]).
** If you fail to rescue Queen Aino when she is raised out of the water, you get a cutscene where she flops around a bit, then dies. This, like any other GameOver in the game, is followed up by a cutscene where the camera pulls away from a dead Jen in the (now darkened) hospital room, followed by a fade to black. The sad music doesn't help matters, either.
* ThatOneSidequest: Good luck finding all the Tarot cards on your first playthrough without a guide; some are so far off the beaten path that it can take hours of combing every inch of not just the four worlds, but the Nexus itself.
