* CompleteMonster: [[HeManWomanHater Kalis/Karis Nohman/Norman]] is a monstrous misogynist in both versions:
** Anime: Kalis Nohman introduces himself disguised as the young Satsuki Kawamoto's older brother, using the chance to get close to Satsuki where he brutalizes and {{rape|IsASpecialKindOfEvil}}s her. Confronted by the Angel team, Kalis tries to flee while keeping Satsuki as his SexSlave, fondling her throughout the fight and ultimately leaving the girl scarred long after he is dealt with.
** Manga: Kalis Nohman is [[PsychoForHire employed]] by [[DarkActionGirl Shiva]] for the purpose of {{break|TheCutie}}ing Angel pilots, and basks in the chance to rape one into a [[HeroicBSOD mental breakdown]]. When his victim refuses to scream as he defiles her, [[LovesTheSoundOfScreaming Kalis]] flies into a rage and begins cutting her with his scythe, attempting to kill the rest of the Angel team when they interfere. Reappearing to attempt to assault Satsuki Kawamoto, when repelled Kalis returns once more, trying to use his craft to subject the entire female cast to his violation.
* LesYay:
** (Shiva's interactions with Acao are made of this)
** Rui and Aoba go there a lot.
* MoralEventHorizon: Shiva's not what you'd call sympathetic to start with, but in the anime her turning rapist for hire Kalis loose on thirteen year old Satsuki is definitely this.
* OneSceneWonder: Kalis in the anime. He appears for eight minutes total in episode seven, yet manages to, in that time, make himself one of the most hateable villains in the show. In the manga he shows up more frequently, averting this.