
[[folder: [[Film/Dont Look Back The Film ]]

!!The book
* JerkassWoobie: Cassie was an AlphaBitch bully and a toxic friend to Sam, but it's hard not to feel sorry for her after the reason for her behavior is revealed. [[spoiler:She was an illegitimate child born out of an affair between Sam's father Steven and his mistress, making her Sam's half-sister. Steven effectively abandoned her and refused to ever accept her as his child, and she was envious of Sam for having the life she didn't and desperately wanted to be loved like she was. Her last moments were spent begging her father to just acknowledge her as his daughter in public, and he responded by pushing her and letting her die when she fell.]]
* TheyWastedAPerfectlyGoodPlot: Some readers might be disappointed that the ending almost completely glosses over certain characters' reactions to TheReveal of Cassie's killer. [[spoiler:After Joanna saves Sam and Carson by shooting Steven, the next chapter skips to an epilogue of Sam now living a relatively normal life with her family and friends. Joanna's shown to no longer be an alcoholic, but no mention is made of how Sam's brother Scott reacted to the revelations that their father killed Cassie and that Cassie, whom he made clear to Sam he hated, was his half-sister. Every other character associated with Cassie (Del, Veronica, Candy, Trey, Lauren) is also absent from the epilogue, so how they took the news is never explored either.]]

!!The Flash Platform Game
* DemonicSpiders: A good deal of the enemies can count, particularly the ninja-like demons.
* TearJerker: The game as a whole has a rather saddening and dark atmosphere, and isn't helped at all by the rather heart-wrenching DownerEnding. Particularly for those who still have trouble getting over the loss of a loved one.
* ThatOneBoss: Hades. Not only does he take 5 shots to the head to kill, he also summons random enemies to aid him. [[FromBadToWorse Also]], he starts firing [[SpreadShot 5 projectiles]] at a time once his health is almost gone.