!! Yanang Bai (rhythm guitar)
* LesYay
* {{Moe}}: Violet. She's actually rather ambivalent about it.
* ThisIsYourPremiseOnDrugs: ''{{WesternAnimation/Metalocalypse}}'' on [[ImprobablyFemaleCast estrogen]] and [[UmbrellaDrink fruity girly drinks.]]
* UglyCute: the Malagasy Death Rat Lemur, "the world's ugliest prosimian," an EndangeredSpecies that Maenad unintentionally discovers. They look like a cross between opossums and [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Si_rex.jpg Devon Rex]] cats and have long knobbly fingers and mildly venomous saliva, but are actually very intelligent and playful.
** ET, Valerian's mutant kitten.