* CatharsisFactor:
** After suffering Clint's {{Jerkass}} antics (from making Chad a humiliated ButtMonkey, taking his job, and bossing around the staff, to being a bad boyfriend to Clarissa, and finally culminating in him kicking Jeremy's helmet while gloating about it), and the TraumaCongaLine Chad himself suffered throughout Season One, it's ''very'' satisfying when [[HeroicSecondWind Chad manages to turn the tables on Clint]] using his telekinesis and make the bully cry like the DirtyCoward he is -- ''and'' get his old job back in the process!
** After all antics she pulls throughout Seasons 2 and 3 -- tearing Chad and Jeremy's relationship apart, turning Jeremy to the [[TheDarkSide Dark Soul Half]] (which culminated in Weird Jimmy's AccidentalMurder), ruining Chad's love life by deporting Libby, and inadvertently causing Randy's SanitySlippage (which almost destroyed Empire Market) -- it's ''very'' satisfying to see [[BitchInSheepsClothing Maggie]] being stripped of her position and power. And undergoing a VillainousBreakdown on top of it.
** After three seasons of enduring suffering, losses and a major TraumaCongaLine, Chad Vader ''finally'' becomes the General Manager of Empire Market.
* DiagnosedByTheAudience: After Jimmy was demoted to night shift manager, he "developed some problems". Now, his voice has an odd, lurching quality to it, he giggles at random moments, he converses with his mop, believes that he consults with elves, and generally behaves as if he were an [[NightmareFuelStationAttendant expository character in a horror movie]].
* EnsembleDarkHorse:
** [[CreepyAwesome Baby]] [[EvilIsCool Cookie]], the [[MaybeMagicMaybeMundane possibly]] sentient EvilDoll belonging to Hal, who goes on to [[ManipulativeBastard manipulate Randy into further insanity]] and gain a BigBad position by causing several catastrophic events in the store...while remaining adorable. Eventually, she reached BreakoutCharacter status when she got her own series of shorts and guest appearances on the Blame Society Comedy Thunder series.
** Champion J. Pepper, who (unlike the HateSink that is Clint) is a LargeHam, CloudCuckoolander, [[ReasonableAuthorityFigure one of the few benign and somewhat competent authority figures in Empire Market]], and one of the few people that treats Chad with respect and kindness.
** Damien, a walking parody of the ''[[Literature/TheTwilightSaga Twilight]]'' vampire cliches who saved Chad's life and performed a HeroicSacrifice to save the store from Randy and the explosive Baby Cookie clones.
* JerkassWoobie: Lloyd is a womanizing, idiotic employee who abuses his position to steal items from the store, but he's also a major ButtMonkey who is, more often than not, suffering abuse from his supervisor whether he deserves it -- he's used as a guinea pig for Chad's experiments, being brainwashed, or being humiliated for just being there.
* HilariousInHindsight:
** In the Season 1 finale, Jeremy makes a broom float into his hand, revealing that he has Force powers. The exact same thing would later happen to a slave boy in the final scene of ''Film/TheLastJedi''.
** During his stay in the basement with strong Dark Side influences, Jeremy sees a vision of Maggie suddenly sprouting a fanged mouth. In 2019, Rey in ''Film/TheRiseOfSkywalker'' while in the ruins of the 2nd Death Star (which also has strong ties to TheDarkSide), sees a vision of herself under the influence of the Dark Side, suddenly sprouting fangs.
* MoralEventHorizon:
** Maggie crosses it in Season 2, when she arranges to have Libby (illegally) deported for no reason other than to spite Chad.
** Clint crosses it earlier in Season 1 when he decides to KickTheDog by taking Jeremy's helmet and kicking it while [[EvilLaugh laughing vilely about it]].
** Randy crosses it when he attempts to murder Chad [[BackStab when his back is turned]]. If this wasn't enough, he crosses it ''thoroughly'' when he tries to blow up Empire Market with Baby Cookie copies bearing explosives.
*** Baby Cookie crosses it due to being [[TheCorrupter the influence for Randy to commit those actions in the first place]].
** Season 4 is all about Chad undergoing this by [[TookALevelInJerkass becoming increasingly unpleasant,]] [[BadBoss a terrible supervisor]] to the point he sets up a small police state complete with Stormtroopers and red robed Praetorian Guards -- emulating the tyranny of the Empire from the ''Star Wars'' franchise.
* SeasonalRot: Season 4 is not as well-received as its predecessors, due to the shorter episodes, its use of [[CelebrityStar sensational (at the time)]] [[SpecialGuest one-shot guests]] [[TheyWastedAPerfectlyGoodCharacter who contribute little to the plot]] (unlike previous side characters) outside of showing up, [[TookALevelInJerkass Chad becoming corrupt and unlikable after finally getting the job he wanted]] and becoming a puppet for Maggie's manipulations (basically repeating Jeremy's subplot of Season 2), [[spoiler: Jeremy]] getting to be General Manager after barely doing anything on-screen to earn the promotion, and [[spoiler: the entirety of Chad Vader being revealed to be a series directed by George Lucas, when this wasn't hinted before in the slightest]].
* UnintentionalPeriodPiece:
** Being an early Website/YouTube series, references to other popular (yet short-lived) [=YouTube=] fads at the time weren't exactly uncommon, such as one episode that ends on a long, drawn out reference to [[Series/AmericanIdol "Pants on the Ground"]].
** Then of course is Damien, a walking [[ParodySue embodiment of handsome, but troubled troubled loner vampire cliches]] from the ''[[Literature/TheTwilightSaga Twilight]]'' franchise that had a much bigger reaction during its time of release in the early 2010s than it would nowadays.
** The reveal that [[spoiler: the entire series is a vanity project by Creator/GeorgeLucas]] could be seen as this in light of Creator/{{Disney}} buying out the Star Wars franchise in 2012.
* TheWoobie:
** Jeremy, especially after he [[spoiler: kills Weird Jimmy by accident]], and later when [[spoiler:Damien dies to save the store (rather than allow Jeremy to make the sacrifice)]]. The non-episodic videos also show that Chad routinely forces him into annoying unpleasant activities (such as trying his Super Bowl hot dogs...which Chad knows he's allergic to).
** Chad Vader, especially in Season One where he undergoes a TraumaCongaLine that almost sees him DrivenToSuicide. It gets slightly better in Season Two, but his laser check-out system expires, his growing romance with Libby abruptly ends with Maggie deporting her (through corrupt use of power), and his apprentice Jeremy turns on him under Maggie's influence.
** Randy after being demoted to Nightshift Manager, [[SanitySlippage going insane]], [[BrainwashedAndCrazy making him easily manipulated by]] the EvilDoll Baby Cookie into murder -- all because he was in charge of Chad during the failed laser-check out system (during which [[BitchInSheepsClothing Maggie]] was in the line of fire).
* TheyWastedAPerfectlyGoodPlot
** Jeremy's managerial skills shining through and doing all he can to help the store in the face of Chad's tyranny in Season 4 would've been an excellent story arc, but it didn't happen, [[spoiler: making his promotion to general manager at the end]] feel hollow.