''Pon and Zi'' is a webcomic by Jeff Azuzephre following the adventures of [[NameAndName Pon and Zi.]] The series is presented in single panels, usually (but not always) depicting interactions between the eponymous characters, or Pon delivering a cute or heartwarming message about [[ThePowerOfLove their love for Zi.]] The main characters are expressly designed to be without gender, so that any couple could read the comics and identify.

The webcomic's official site is [[https://www.ponandzi.net/ here]].
!!Provides examples of:

* AmbiguousGender: Both Pon and Zi were deliberately designed as genderless, though some interpret Pon as a boy and Zi as a girl. Pon does refer to Zi as their girlfriend in [[http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-s27TNtBs2GA/UFDAciRY61I/AAAAAAAAGRY/_cSp2kH6HyE/s1600/pon-and-zi-love-cookie-quotes-azuzephre-1.jpg this comic]].
* AmbiguouslyHuman: Pon and Zi are humanoid, but their designs are so simplified that it's hard to tell if they're actually human. They're yellow and blue respectively, are both bald, have blank white eyes and no legs.
* BloodFromTheMouth: In [[https://azuzephre-blog.tumblr.com/post/10325376958 this panel]], Zi points to a puddle of blood behind them and cheerfully says, "You made my heart too happy, so I vomited blood."
* BeatStillMyHeart: Pon removes their heart from their chest cavity and holds it out to Zi, while spilling blood all over the floor.
-->I hope now that I took it out, you will keep it cuz I don't have a clue how to put it back. And if you don't want it cuz it's full of blood, don't worry cuz I can wash it off, and put a ribbon around it. Anyways, just wanted to say I love you...by the way, I'm about to faint, so take it fast...
* BilingualBonus: One strip has Pon saying "I love you" in Japanese to Zi (私は愛する, ''Watashi wa ai suru'').
* ChestInsignia: Both Pon and Zi have large hearts on their chests, representing the comic being about their love for each other.
* ColorCodedCharacters: Pon is yellow and Zi is blue.
* CutenessProximity
* {{Determinator}}: Pon climbs up a cactus in order to pick Zi a flower, despite getting scratched up and having bandaids on their head.
-->I'll always only pick you the most prettiest flower I can find, even if it's the hardest one to get to.
* EmoTeen: Pon sometimes behaves like a stereotypical emo teenager, saying nihilistic or dark things, although his actual age is impossible to tell due to the minimalistic art style. One strip has him crying and saying, "I can't sleep because my pillow is too wet."
* FlowersOfRomance: Parodied in one panel where Pon has a comically oversized band-aid and stitches on their head because they tried to pick a flower for Zi...that turned out to be a Venus flytrap. They killed it and got Zi a piece of grass instead.
* TheHero: Pon.
* MinimalistCast: Pon and Zi are the only characters in the whole comic, aside from some random animals that occasionally appear for the sake of gags like a cat, a black widow spider, and an ostritch.
* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: "I made you a cookie, but I eated it."
* NoPlotNoProblem: It's a panel-a-day comic showing little anecdotes in the life of Pon and Zi.
* ObliviousToLove: In one strip, Zi fails to hear Pon saying "I love you" because they were [[HeadphonesEqualIsolation wearing headphones and didn't hear them.]]
* ThePowerOfLove: The central theme of the strip is the two characters' love for each other.
* {{Tsundere}}: Zi can be a little snappy towards Pon, though they both love each other.
-->'''Zi''': Stop looking at me, ...idiot.
* UmbrellaOfTogetherness: Pon holds an umbrella over Zi in the pouring rain and says, "If you get wet, you'll get sick."
* VagueAge: Due to the cartoonish, chibi-like style that Pon and Zi are drawn in, it's impossible to tell what age they're supposed to be. Sometimes they act like children, and other times they act like [[HormoneAddledTeenager Hormone-Addled Teenagers.]]
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Zi nervously hides behind Pon when they see a cat, and Pon protectively says, "Halt, fiend!"