-->'''Ryuk:''' That hat looks really stupid on you.
-->'''Light:''' Shut up. I'm trying to look nonchalant.
-->'''Ryuk:''' Nonchalant equals [[EvilCostumeSwitch knit cap]]?
-->'''Light:''' I thought it'd make me look less like a criminal.
-->'''Ryuk:''' [[LampshadeHanging You thought wrong.]]
-->'''Light:''' Shh. [[LeaningOntheFurniture I'm leaning.]]

A Manga/DeathNote AbridgedSeries by [[http://blip.tv/deathnoteabridged StackedSugarCubes]] Currently five episodes long--with one special Halloween episode.

!! This work contains examples of:
%%* ActionHero: Raye Penber
* AskAStupidQuestion:
--> '''L:''' If I wanted to hear stupid questions from stupid people I'd call on Matsuda.
%%* BlackAndGrayMorality: It is still Manga/DeathNote, after all.
%%* BuffySpeak
%%* ButtMonkey: Matsuda. Poor, stupid Matsuda.
* CaptainObvious: "This gun is for shooting people!"
* ComicallyMissingThePoint:
--> '''L:''' Matsuda, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
--> '''Matsuda:''' [[InsultBackfire I got a compliment!]]
%%* ConspicuousTrenchcoat: Watari "Is he going to flash us?"
* ContemplateOurNavels:
--> '''Light:''' Would this make me a murderer? Why, yes, yes it would.
** and
--> '''L:''' I do exist unless you want to get into all that Existentialist stuff, which I don't.
* CrossDressingVoices: L, Matsuda, and the bus-jacker are done by a girl, and Sayu is done by a guy.
* ADarkerMe: "check out my Website/MySpace page and BOOM internet shrines to me!"
* DidIJustSayThatOutLoud:
--> '''Light:''' [[FreudianSlipperySlope Dammit! I knew one day he'd be onto me I mean on top of me I mean...]]
--> '''L:''' You're saying this out loud... and it's turning me on.
* DoubleStandardRapeMaleOnMale: "He died as he lived- on his knees in the men's room."
%%* EverybodyHatesMathematics: Or at least Light does.
%%* EvilCostumeSwitch: see page quote
* GreenAesop: "Time to return you to your natural habitat."
** "What a waste of paper! He'd be just as dead if you write it small!"
*** "I'll pick it up; I love helping our mother Earth!"
%%* HardWorkMontage: Well, more or less...
%%* HatesBeingTouched: Light
%%* HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood: L
* HypocriticalHumor: "Good call. I was getting a serial killer vibe off of that guy."
* ICantBelieveItsNotHeroin: "Are we making meth?"
* IWantGrandkids: Ryuk, bafflingly enough, wants them from Light.
%%* JerkAss: L, "he really is a douche!"
* KarmaHoudini: "You're telling me I can kill as many people as I want and I won't go to hell?"
* TheKillerInMe: "I guess that does explain why I keep waking up with my hands covered in blood."
%%* LeaningOnTheFurniture: see page quote.
* {{Leitmotif}}: [[Music/TheBeatles "Maxwell's Silver Hammer."]]
* MoralMyopia:
--> '''Ryuk:''' If you do that, you'll be the only bastard left.
--> '''Light:''' Yep!
%%* MostDefinitelyNotAVillain: [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial "I'm not Kira."]]
%%* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: Ryuk, Yuri
%%* NotListeningToMeAreYou: Light and his mother
* ShoutOut: Light kills Frankenstein's monster. Also "''Now'' do you know the first rule of ''Film/FightClub''?" "Those files are in another castle..." and "Nietzsche was right! To understand humanity morality must be broken down!" [[Film/TwoThousandOneASpaceOdyssey "I'm afraid I can’t do that Dave."]]
* SmallNameBigEgo: L "this is clearly a direct challenge to me because he knows how AWESOME I am."
%%* SoundtrackDissonance:
%%--> '''Ryuk:''' [[LampshadeHanging I love 80s pop!]]
* StayInTheKitchen: Raye (to Naomi) "You need to go in the kitchen and make my babies!"
%%* StepfordSmiler: "Yeah, that was close enough to human emotion..."
* StrangeMindsThinkAlike:
--> '''L:''' [[HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood ...just like all those guys in high school who'd push me in the shower... I'm not a woman Scott Johnson!]]
--> '''Light:''' L will start to sweat... and then he'll have to take a shower...
* SummationGathering: "[[CaptainObvious Someone in this very room is the murderer!]]"
* TakeThat: "The Green Movement was a fad!"
%%* ThisIsForEmphasisBitch
* TransparentCloset: Light "I told you, I'm not gay!"
--> '''Ryuk:''' A date? With a girl? How out of character!
%%* TheUnintelligible: L's voice scramble thing
%%* ValleyGirl
%%* WrongGenreSavvy: Yuri (Spaceland girl)
* YankTheDogsChain: "Now feel free to live out the rest of your life in peace with your family... [[YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness PSYCH!!!]]"
* YoureInsane: "You're a crazy person."