[[WMG: Predictions for ''VideoGame/TheOregonTrail'' playthrough:]]
(written 1 Dec 2013)
* Arin will break another limb, but he'll hang on to the end.
* Barry won't get sick or injured, but he'll get shot by Danny during a hunting trip.
* Suzy will die of dysentery.
* RAAAAAAWS will catch every illness in the game, then die of dysentery.
* Danny will get bitten by a snake, but he'll pull through to the rafting segment, where he'll proceed to screw it all up and get himself and Arin killed.
[[WMG: Predictions for ''VideoGame/RideToHellRetribution'' playthrough:]]
(Written 18 Jan 2014)
* Several people are predicting that the playthrough of Ride to Hell will be Steam Train's answer to the Game Grumps' Sonic 06 playthrough.