[[WMG: Leon and Hathaway are brothers.]]
* WordOfGod has stated that Hathaway was adopted by Dixie when he was three. But while he was growing up he ran away constantly and ended up in a gang at age thirteen. Leon on the other hand "[[http://community.livejournal.com/otherpeoplesbiz/2056.html#cutid1 was shunted around from foster home to foster home until age 12, when he was essentially kidnapped by a no-good older brother who took Leon into a local gang]]." I'd say that Hathaway was that no-good older brother. Plus Sandra has noted in TheRant about Hathaway's tattoos from his less than noble past; Leon has a buncha tattoos too....
** Hmm. Out of interest, I checked the commentary for their ages. Hathaway is thirty-six, and Leon is described as being "in his thirties". So it fits agewise, too.