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[[WMG: Fantine became a ghost instead of going to Heaven]]
In the ending, when Valjean is moving towards the Afterlife, Fantine is staying behind, with Marius and Cosette. This suggests that she will not go to Heaven until she's finished watching over her daughter.

[[WMG: In the epilogue Javert is among the other souls in heaven]]
He can't be heard singing with the others because either he actually isn't or he is indeed singing but while keeping his voice down (in either case, possibly out of shame). Since it has been stated more than once even on this very website that Javert isn't actually evil, it is hard to believe and arguably contrary to the very spirit of the musical that an honest man, albeit [[LawfulNeutral stubborn]], [[GoodIsNotNice cold]] and [[BlackAndWhiteInsanity naive]], like Javert would see eternal peace denied to him. Though Suicide is commonly thought of as a mortal sin, so's prostitution, and Fantine was still there. In the 90s Church finally changed it's statements- it was quite a revolution, since in times of Les Mis both prostitutes and suicide victims were refused proper burial.
* As I watched that scene I was waiting and waiting to see Javert there- not singing, as that would be a bit of a jump (oh, ha ha, I crack myself up sometimes) from his stance in the rest of the story, but perhaps looking up at Valjean- and I was so disappointed that he wasn't. I think that it would have worked in Valjean had been the center of the scene- instead, he was just fitting in place, like a puzzle piece. Javert really didn't have a place in the picture to fit into, so he was left out. My personal headcanon, though, is that when he died he, too, was met by the Bishop. I just think it would be so fitting.

[[WMG: Javert is an [[Franchise/AssassinsCreed member of the Assassins]]]]
Certainly a lot of him walking along the edges of high buildings. Now you're just imagining the eagle drop noise as he falls to his death.
* But he wants to enforce the law and order. Isn't that more the goal of the Templars?
** He upholds the law as a necessity of human life, it'd actually be a rather wise interpretation of the "everything is permitted" part of the creed if he wasn't, you know, [[InspectorJavert Javert]].
** The goal of the Templars is complete control over mankind. The goal of the Assassins is complete freedom. Templars just tend to have men in the guard and stuff.

[[WMG: The Bishop is actually the time traveling spirit of Valjean]]
This guess comes from the fact that Colm Wilkinson, the Bishop's actor, was the first actor to play Valjean on both the West End and Broadway.

[[WMG: The Thenardiers are the only characters who know they're in a musical, and are only singing because everyone else is]]
They're often a beat away from giving an AsideGlance, and tend to drop out of song more frequently than the other characters.

[[WMG:The baby given away in "Master of the House" grew up to be Gavroche]]
In one scene, an outgoing customer's baggage is replaced with a basket containing a baby. The customer then walks off with the basket. Could that baby be Gavroche? In the book, he's the youngest Thernadier child, many years younger than Eponine, and given this is followed by a nine year time jump, the age would match up perfectly for him to be portrayed as Daniel Huddlestone.
* [[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1707386/trivia Confirmed]] by WordOfGod.

[[WMG: Because Gavroche is Thenardier's son (see [=WMGs=] above), he too is aware of the fourth wall]]
When he's telling that rich guy "How do you do my name's Gavroche? These are my people, here's my patch", that rich guy ''obviously'' doesn't care, but ''we'' do! And later, when Gavroche is at the barricades, he risks his life in front of the soldiers not because he thinks the soldiers won't kill a child, [[WrongGenreSavvy but because he thinks]] ''[[WrongGenreSavvy Victor Hugo]]'' [[WrongGenreSavvy won't kill a child!]]
* In the musical, he really is speaking to the audience.

[[WMG: Marius survived thanks to EquivalentExchange]]
After the barricade, Valjean died of natural causes, right? It's like he just wilted away and died, like someone/something sapped out his life force. Also after the barricade, Marius was sick with "brain fever". Severe PTSD, most likely. During the "Every Day/A Heart Full of Love" scene, Valjean is still in a good healthy state. Whereas Marius... His body may be moving, his heart may be beating, but there's basically no soul in him. His eyes were so empty and frightening, like they were dead. However. He absolutely lighted up when Cosette sang "A Heart Full of Love" at him. ThePowerOfLove to the rescue, right? Nope. Valjean is in the background, singing, "She was never mine to keep," He's giving up Cosette. He's giving up his life's purpose, everything that he has to anchor him to this place. Fate has decided Marius Pontmercy was to die upon the barricades. Jean Valjean decided to say, "ScrewDestiny," and save Marius. But someone still has to die. To quote a Sherlock Holmes fic, "The time is come, but not the man." If Fate has had her way, Marius would've died from that gunshot. Valjean intervened in time and saved Marius' physical body, but his soul is still trapped in the afterlife. It took Valjean giving up everything he's got to bring Marius back. And because he's been in the afterlife far too long, there are side effects: he can still see the ghosts. During "Epilogue/Do You Hear the People Sing (Reprise)", he hears them, looks up, and looks down, and though he's holding Cosette, his eyes reverted back to that emptiness. Because there's a shit ton of ghosts right there, and a huge screaming part of his soul says he should be with them.
** "Bring Him Home" is basically Valjean's direct appeal to God to let Marius live, so this might actually be true. One of them has to die, but the Almighty might have been influenced by his prayer to have Marius live instead.
-->'''Valjean''': And I am old, and will be gone / Bring him peace, bring him joy / He is young, he is only a boy
-->'''Valjean''': If I die, let me die / Let him live, bring him home

[[WMG: Valjean can hear the others singing in "One Day More"]]
His facial expressions during the song seem to indicate he can hear them.