[[WMG: Red October was a Night Witch.]]
Energy X just made her a literal witch.

[[WMG: Energy X is the origin of [[VideoGame/BioShock ADAM]].]]
I'm not sure how, but something had to mutate those Slugs...and what if one canister got time displaced and burst open in the ocean?

[[WMG: [[WesternAnimation/GravityFalls Time Baby]] is either Timemaster as a baby, or his son.]]
Time Baby is the last surviving member of a race of time-giants...and what is Timemaster? A purple skinned giant who controls time, he's even got a similar hourglass symbol. It's possible that Timemaster might have fathered him and later died (no doubt after yet another antagonizing of Freedom Force) or that this baby is Timemaster as a toddler, which also explains his downright omnicidal lust for immortality, because being the last of your kind cannot be stress free at all. Granted Energy X plays some part in Timemaster's power but I'd chalk that up to being more like a freak mutation that it caused, or something like that.