''PRIOR'' is an UsefulNotes/AdobeFlash game by [[http://kranggames.com krangGames]], originally made in 48 hours for the [[http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-19/?action=top Ludum Dare Compo #19]].

The finished version was published on March 15th, 2011 and sponsored by Armor Games. [[http://armorgames.com/play/10843/prior Play it here!]]

!!PRIOR provides examples of:
* AbandonedArea: The whole base is empty of other life beside yourself.
* AfterTheEnd: The facility the game takes place in is abandoned, and one of the endings suggests [[spoiler: nuclear war eventually occurred.]]
* AmnesiacDissonance: Somewhat. As the player, you suppose your character is a good guy. But then you get to know [[spoiler:he slaughtered his own family]]. To be fair, though, [[LossOfIdentity he was under the effect]] of the experimental ''Chemical @73''.
* BeautifulVoid: Averted, the empty environments are, if anything, unsettling and depressing rather than beautiful.
* TheAtoner: The Many ending implies that [[spoiler: Dr. +/G couldn't live with the guilt of what happened to Subject &#! and his family.]]
* DownerEnding: All three endings are quite sad:
** The Many: [[spoiler: Subject &#! ventures down into the basement of the facility looking for Dr. +/G, only to find the good Dr. hanged and dead in his office with "I'm Sorry Too" written in blood on the wall.]]
** The Few: [[spoiler: Subject &#! goes to the Restraint Depot where his family has been taken, only to find that it's actually a morgue, and his family was killed by his own hand. He ends up trapped in another cell, with a note reading "You Belong Here" being all that's in it.]]
** The One: [[spoiler: Subject &#! leaves the facility and goes on his way to City XY*213. As he passes the skyline in the background an enormous mushroom cloud appears and then vanishes, implying the city has long been devastated by nuclear war.]]
* ElaborateUndergroundBase: The facility you find yourself in is quite vast, and has sections going deep beneath the earth.
* ForeverWar: The reason why the protagonist's nation is having a war against the ''Light Folk'' is not revealed. There ''might'' be a good reason, but we never get to know it.
* GravityMaster: The ''Z-7'' device enables the user to suspend gravity for himself, enabling longer jumps and (stationary) floating.
* GreatOffscreenWar: The war with the ''Light Folk'' seems to have ended an indeterminate time ago, [[spoiler: possibly due to mutual nuclear annihilation.]]
* HopelessWar: The game doesn't reveal much about the background war, but - as the player - you get the impression it's hopeless. Just see the {{Downer Ending}}s - they really don't induce much hope.
** One propaganda poster seems to imply that the black squares were either disadvantaged during the war, or were outright losing it.
* IdentityAmnesia / QuestForIdentity: The protagonist has no idea who and where he is. He needs to find notes.
* LossOfIdentity: The protagonist, ''Subject &#!'' has gone through this due to the effect of ''Chemical @73''.
* LuckyCharmsTitle: ''Subject &#!'', ''Dr. +/G'', ''Chemical @73'', ''City XY*213'', ''Lot #Q (?)''... Should I continue?
* MultipleEndings: There are three.
* SilentProtagonist: ''Subject &#!'' doesn't utter a single word.
* SuperSerum: ''Chemical @73'', meant to produce super soldiers.
* TrialAndErrorGameplay: There is a screen ("''Pitfall''") which has a note, which you go down and read, and you know you failed to double-jump at the right moment. The note also tells you to press R to restart this screen.
* UpgradeArtifact: ''Lot #Q (?)'' and the ''Z-7'' device.