The official language of the [[UsefulNotes/{{Russia}} Russian Federation]] and, in the past, the [[UsefulNotes/SovietRussiaUkraineAndSoOn Soviet Union]][[note]]de jure in RF, but only de facto in USSR[[/note]], with it also being spoken in the Baltics, parts of Eastern Europe (such as UsefulNotes/{{Ukraine}}), the Caucasus, Central Asia and UsefulNotes/{{Mongolia}}. And in fiction, often the language of the CommieLand. To an English speaker, its grammar is more alien than UsefulNotes/{{German|Language}}, but, since it is still part of the Indo-European family, less alien than UsefulNotes/{{Japanese|Language}}. However, if you are used to the grammar of languages such as English, French, German, or Spanish, then it can come as a bit of a nasty shock. It can be highly logical and literal while simultaneously being esoteric and indirect. It will have more familiar features (such as genders, inflections, and some grammatical aspects) for [[UsefulNotes/LatinLanguage those who are familiar with Classical Latin]], as well as those who know other Slavic Languages.

For some useful Russian expressions, see UsefulNotes/RussianProverbsAndExpressions. See also RussianLiterature.

'''The Alphabet'''

The modern Russian alphabet, an evolution of the original Cyrillic, consists of 33 letters. Four letters were obsoleted by the spelling reform of 1918, and are not used today except in ironic Internet usage and writings trying to evoke an "archaic" style, often without regard for their actual usage rules (similar to YeOldeButcheredeEnglishe).

The modern "Latinized", simplified shapes of the letters were introduced by Peter I in the early 18th century, as part of the "civil script" that replaced the old "Church Slavonic script". To foreigners, this is not without its drawbacks, as Cyrillic letters often denote completely different sounds than the Latin letters they resemble -- for example, Cyrillic "Р", "С", "В", "Н", "У", "Х", "Ш", "З", and "Б" denote the "R", "S", "V", "N", "U" "H", "SH" "Z", "B" sounds respectively[[note]]hence "CCCP", or Союз Советских Социалистических Республик (Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)[[/note]]. Luckily, "O" "M", "A", "T", "E", "K" are generally pretty close to their Latin equivalents. The И and the Я, the infamous "backwards N" and "TheBackwardsR", are actually "ee" and "Ya", respectively. Hence Россия "Russia" = "ross-ee-ya", and the O actually sometimes sounds like A due to its unstressed position, apart from certain accents where it's always stressed. See TheBackwardsR for more on this.

The Church Slavonic script is still sometimes used today, not only by the church, but also for evoking archaic style and/or all-Russianness, similar to Gothic Fraktur in Germany or Hentaigana in Japan.

Also, Ю is ''[[VisualPun not]]'' [[Franchise/StarTrek the Enterprise]]. It's "yu". No, [[WhosOnFirst not you]], but sounds exactly like "you".

'''The Form of the Language'''

Proper Russian is called "klassicheskiy literaturniy yazik" (classical literary language), which is the language the famous nineteenth-century Russian novels were written in, and still used today with few or no changes other than the 1918 spelling reform. It is the most proper form of the language, similar to the Queen's English. Speaking this way is a sign of an educated, sophisticated and polite person. Needless to say, most people don't speak this way, just as most English speakers don't speak perfect English. However, Classical Russian and colloquial Russian are sufficiently close that someone studying Classical Russian (which is standard) will have little trouble understanding colloquial Russian - no more so than understanding slang in any language.

The bureaucratic class has also created its own form of Russian, which is a mishmash of common Russian, loanwords and legal gobbledygook. Such a manner of speech is considered particularly obnoxious today, especially by linguists, and it's now the hallmark of [[ObstructiveBureaucrat Obstructive Bureaucrats]] and cops. The infamous form of address "grazhdanin" (citizen), used to address perps and prisoners, is part of this style of Russian.

And of course, there is also ''mat'', a dialect consisting mostly of [[ClusterFBomb obscenities]] and words derived from them. Yes, the Russians invented an entire dialect just so they could curse more effectively. Russian obscenities are extremely creative and rich, and trash-talking Russians can convey complex messages through sentences which consist only of various Cluster F Bombs. This is a language form of choice for the most uncultured Russians, such as blue collar workers, homeless persons and petty criminals. Note the emphasis on "petty": TheMafiya has its own distinct style of thieves' cant, known as ''fenya'' or ''fenka''. (In fact, they traditonally consider the use of sexual pejoratives extremely SeriousBusiness.)

It should also be pointed out that swearing (using ''mat'') in Russian is considered a much bigger deal than in English. When Russians translate English movies, "fuck" and "shit" are translated to the Russian equivalents of "darn" and "crap" - Russians don't consider them anywhere near as bad as their own words. This is also because the usage of ''mat'' in the media is an extreme taboo - it used to get bleeped out on TV even after watershed, and a new law prohibits it in media completely. There is even a law (albeit rarely enforced) that prohibits speaking mat in public. This isn't to say Russians don't swear a lot. They are just a lot more conscious of the company they are in when they do it. Males in particular, if they want to make any meaningful Russian friendships, will want to learn at least a little ''mat'', [[note]]Not too much though. Foreigners speaking a lot of ''mat'' is considered really weird.[[/note]] if only to understand what the fuck everyone around you is saying. Funnily enough, Russians are torn between being extremely proud of the richness and complexity of ''mat'', and denying that it is a part of Russian at all (claiming it's all foreign words that contaminated the "holy" Russian language). See the folder for more info.

[[folder:'''More on ''mat''''']]
* One can wonder about communicating by F-words only. The explanation is simple: Russian grammar. Morphologically, most words in Russian have a four-part structure: one or several prefixes, a root, one or several suffixes and an inflection. Some parts of this structure may be missing or empty, there are some cases that don't fit here, and of course prepositions and other small words do not have this structure, but it's a good general idea to start with. The root conveys the "base meaning" of the word, the inflection (indirectly) defines the word's place in the sentence's syntax, and prefixes and suffixes are used to alter the meaning of the root in a very wide range. For example, "выйти" and "войти" ("to walk out" and "to walk in") have different prefixes. There are several ramifications. First, you can stuff a lot of meaning into one word. More than that, sometimes roots get strung together: "волкодав" (wolfhound) has two roots - "волк" for wolf and "дав", as in "давить" - to stomp. You can even go further: string together "пар" (steam) and "ход" (walk) to get "пароход" (steamship, literally "steam walker"), then add a suffix to get "пароходство" (steamshipping company). There's actually no theoretical limit for the number of roots within one word, but thinking of a word with three or four roots is a kind of a challenge. Second: you get a very flexible language. The popular saying calling Russian a "great and mighty" language (known to every Russian) is not entirely false, as you can see. Third, compared to English, words tend to be longer both in letters (which makes a major pain in the ass when you're translating comics) and in syllables (which makes a lot of trouble when you're dubbing). So, what makes a word a swearword? Answer is simple: the root. There are exactly four roots which have the taboo ''mat'' status (and several others which are considered obscene, although never as severe as mat, and may be falsely mistaken to fall into that category even by native speakers). Any word containing one of these roots is automatically a ''mat'' word. An example in English might be, "Abso-fucking-lutely," or "Fan-fucking-tastic", except in Russian this is a legitimate way to form words rather than clumsy colloquial neologism. Remember that prefixes, suffixes and inflections are still there, so you can still stuff a lot of meaning around the obscene root. You can even have two roots in a word, of which only one is a ''mat'' one, and your word still counts as an F-word. Bonus points if you can stuff two ''mat'' roots in one word, and even more bonus points if all roots in your sentence are ''mat'' roots.

Compared to most other major world languages Russian has very little regional variance, somewhat surprisingly for a language covering such a gigantic territory. Before the revolution, this was not the case. There were plenty of local dialects, but when the Soviets came to power they stamped them out, imposing one form of language (through centralized radio and later television). Seventy years of major population transfers, rapid urbanisation, standardisation of education and a highly centralised media also contributed to the dilution of regional differences. A few basic dialect groups remain, but they are highly mutually intelligible, so there is no equivalent to Okinawan, Swiss German or the Scots dialect/language in Russia itself (although [[ more than a hundred other native languages]] are spoken in Russia, they are not related to Russian). Different dialects exist ''outside'' of Russia (such as in Ukraine), but these are not considered properly "Russian" anymore, and are called by different names. By the way, normative Russian language is the language as is was spoken by TV and radio hosts of Leningrad.

'''The Phonetics'''

Unlike in English, where the unholy combination of Germanic, French, and Latin renders "sounding out" words by how they are written all but impossible, the sound that each Russian letter produces is largely consistent. Aside from a few rules and some exceptions, which are also 90% consistent, once you know what sound each Russian letter makes, knowing how to correctly pronounce words is simply a matter of practice. [[note]]Unlike in English, where not only can every phoneme be written in multiple ways, but every letter can have multiple phonemes.[[/note]] There may also be some consolation in the fact that in Russian, like in Japanese, loanwords are always spelled phonetically, so you do not have to worry about ''other'' languages' spelling conventions. For example, the French loanword ''mauvais ton'' is spelled "моветон" ("moveton"), not "мауваис тон".

The sound set itself is probably not all that difficult to master, except for the concept of palatalization, which is alien to English. If you have heard Japanese speech, you know the distinction between ''na/nu/no'' and ''nya/nyu/nyo'', but in Russian, palatalization is a feature of consonants (even if it's not written this way) and can occur with any vowel, or even without one. Palatalization could best be described in plain english as adding a "y" sound to the front of a vowel. This is what the soft sign letter. yeri, ''ь'' is mostly used for -- to indicate that the previous consonant is palatalized, although after ''ш'' "sh" and ''щ'' "shch" it merely denotes the grammatical gender (as the two letters denote always-hard short consonant /ʂ/ (like in "shout" but a bit harder) and always-soft long consonant /ɕ:/ (like in "[[UsefulNotes/JapaneseLanguage Shinji]]" but llonng)).

The hard sign, Ъ (Yer), used to be used as a means of identifying where a prefix joined a word, as well as a way of indicating palatalization. As with the soft sign, Yer (ь), it has no sound of its own and only exerts influences upon other sounds. It marks the difference between съёмка (ssyomka) ([ˈsjomkə]): "filming" and Сёмка (syomka) ([ˈsʲomkə]): diminutive form of the male name Семён (Simon). Just like the soft sign, the Bolsheviks curbed much of its usage in the spelling reforms of 1918. Partially to simplify the spelling, and partially because it would save quite a considerable amount of ink and paper if they didn't have to print out vast numbers of additional characters. Yer is [[TheArtifact pretty much vestigial for the most part.]] There have been multiple attempts to just be rid of it already. None of them have succeeded.

Of particular note are the vowels ''е'' and ''ы''; the former denotes the soft ''e'' sound, pronounced like "ye" as in "yes," and the latter denotes the hard ''i'' sound and is not found in English. Furthermore, the soft ''e'' is the default in Russian, and the hard ''e'' (denoted by ''э'') occurs almost exclusively in loanwords; so a Russian is more likely to transcribe the word "нет" (no) into English as "net" rather than the Hollywood standard "nyet". The ''ы'' sound is out of necessity transcribed as the Latin letter ''y'' (сыр "cheese" = ''syr''), after standard Polish spelling, Polish being both a Slavic language that has the "hard i" sound, ''and'' using Latin script.

The nastiest thing is the stress. In French, stress falls on the last syllable. In Hungarian, it's the first. In Polish, a West Slavic language (Russian is East Slavic), it's the penultimate one. In Russian, there is ''no'' rule where to put it. You simply have to remember it for every single word.
For example, there are three words differing only in first letter: Zoloto ("Gold"), Boloto ("Swamp"), Doloto ("Chisel"), but the stress is illogically placed each time at a different syllable (Zoloto - 1st one, Boloto - 2nd, and Doloto - 3rd).

Stress also not uncommonly changes in the same word depending on its grammatical inflection, for nouns ''and'' verbs. Either for something semi-logical (when changing the number: стол (stohl), "a table," but столы (stuh-LY), "tables") or for seemingly no reason at all (the singular form of голова (go-lo-VA), "head" is always stressed on the last syllable, except for the accusative case where it suddenly jumps to the first syllable).

Vowels also sound different depending on whether they are stressed or not. For example, the letter "o" sounds like "oh" and the letter "a" sounds like "ah" when stressed, but both reduce to "uh" when unstressed. There is a "stress mark" you can place above letters to show where the stress falls, but you will only see those in dictionaries. All this can result in massive levels of MyHovercraftIsFullOfEels among new learners. While it is possible to guess on which syllable the stress falls (Russian tends to favor the penultimate one), the stress jumps around enough to still be a major pain. Luckily if you fail, most of the time the worst that'll happen is you'll sound silly, but still be understood. Perilous words do exist, however. Placing the wrong stress on писать (pee-SAHT'), "to write," can make you end up saying писать (PEE-saht'), "to piss." Strangely, трусы (TRU-sy) means "cowards" while трусы (tru-SY) means "underpants."

'''The Grammar'''

Russian ''loves'' inflections, and the rules governing them are not always straightforward. Inflection in this case doesn't mean a change in voice intonation (the sense in which it is most often used in English). Rather it means ''grammatical'' inflection: a word changing its form to express a grammatical function. Interestingly, many Russians don't see it as a drawback and refuse to see their language as anything other than absolutely perfect -- or, as unoriginal people repeat after Ivan Turgenev, "great and mighty" ("velikiy i moguchiy", великий и могучий). This is often used in ironic contexts, such as the short poem ending with the phrase "velik moguchim russkiy yazyka" (велик могучим русский языка), in which every word is inflected incorrectly but the meaning is still discernible.


Verbs are possibly the most complicated aspect of the Russian language. Thankfully, Russian verbs have only two tenses, past and present, and another "half-tense," future, which is formed out of present tense. Imperfective verbs must be modified with another verb, быть, to make them "future tense," and perfective Verbs cannot be conjugated into present tense at all: any conjugation automatically implies past or future. More on them in a moment. Verbs are further inflected by gender and by number, with variations similar to German. All in all, verbs have an infinitive form, six inflections in present/future tense, four in past tense, two imperative forms, and up to six adjective-like participles accounting for active, passive and adverbal forms in the past and present, leaving us with verbs potentially having up to 19 different forms. This is about average for a European language. But if the most frustrating thing about Russian pronunciation is where the stress falls, then the most frustrating thing about Russian verbs is their aspect.

At its most basic, almost all Russian verbs come in an aspectual pair: a "perfective" form (implying a one-time, future, or completed action) and an "imperfective" form (implying a repeated, current, or on-going action). ''Verbs of motion'' however have three forms: two imperfective and one perfective (one imperfective form implies back-and-forth movement, the other implies an on-going process, but only in one direction.)

In reality, this is an [[LiesToChildren explanation for beginners.]] In fact, it's much more complicated. The above explanation isn't ''wrong'' (it's functional enough for simple sentences), but beyond simple sentences significantly more explanation is needed. It's quite possible for imperfective verbs to express meaning that has (to an English-speaker) a one-time character, and perfective verbs may be used in a way that suggests a process. In reality, Russian grammatical aspect does not have a nice one-to-one equivalent in English, and therefore evades simple explanations. Russians themselves are particularly bad at explaining it, as which aspect to use and when is something they feel instinctively.


Nouns vary among six cases: the German four, plus instrumental -- "by/with X" -- and prepositional. [[note]] Linguists actually find up to thirteen cases, its just that much of them don't differ much and are usually taught as special cases of Nominative, Genitive, Dative and Prepositional in schools.[[/note]] Nouns also differ between singular and plural, and always belong to one out of three genders. Thankfully, unlike in German, the gender of nouns is obvious. Excluding exceptions (of which there are very few), words ending with a consonant are male, words ending in "а" or "я" are female, and words ending in "о" or "е" are neuter. The only exception is words ending in "ь," which can be either male or female. However, a few rules of thumb for words ending in "ь" make it easy to guess. There are also a few one-off words that buck the trend, but they are exceedingly rare. [[note]] There is a Russian joke about coffee: if it is good, it's a "he". If it's bad, it's an "it". It as in "shit" (The Russian word for "shit", just like in English, sounds similar to the Russian word for "it", and "shit" is neuter in Russian). Same for whiskey.[[/note]] Also unlike in German, you don't have to worry about articles (like der, die, das, etc.) because they don't exist in Russian. Adjectives correspond to their nouns as they change, meaning adjectives must inflect for case, number ''and'' gender -- which means memorizing a 6x4 matrix of word endings (six cases multiplied by masculine/feminine/neuter/plural). At least masculine and neuter almost entirely overlap.

What all this complexity and specificity means is an allowance for great variations in ''word order'' -- although the most common one is still Subject Verb Object. Hypothetically words can be in almost any order in a sentence and so long as they are inflected correctly, the sentence is still entirely grammatically correct and understandable. This also forms a practical system of emphasis, with the last word in the sentence being the most important. For example, the sentence "Я ходил на рынок," ("I went to the market") emphasizes ''where'' you went, whereas "Я на рынок ходил" ("I to the market went") emphasizes ''that'' you went (the former more suited to answer the question "Where have you been?", and the latter - "What were you doing?").

What this also means is that, as in Japanese, some parts of a Russian sentence, most notably the subject, can be dropped if it is clear from context; the verb ending will automatically tell you to whom it is referring (simple example: when asked "How was your weekend?", a man may answer "Порыбачили." In that single word is included the information that he went out fishing, was not alone, that his trip is now over, and that it wasn't very long). [[note]]Breakdown: рыбачить means "to fish." The verb is perfective in the past tense, meaning the action is completed. The plural ending "и" means he was with others. The prefix "по" implies brevity.[[/note]]

Also, rather unusually for an Indo-European language, the copula "to be" is ''always'' dropped in the present tense. Thus a Russian doctor would say "''Ya vrach''" ("I (a) doctor"), not "''Ya yest' vrach''" ("I am (a) doctor"), unless he wants to make it sound emphatic or archaic. Technically, ''yest'' is third person singular, and the correct first person form for the copula is ''yesm'', but it's ''very'' archaic. Since the Old Church Slavonic language notably retains this copula, "yesm" is associated with the Bible among most Russians. Another form being so obsolete that even Russians themselves sometimes get it wrong is ''sut' '', third person plural. Modern Russians trying to sound archaic sometimes use it for singular, to embarass themselves if someone notices.


Russian is notably a gender-specific language, and many Russians take it as the norm and label any criticism of the language's sexism "[[PoliticalCorrectnessIsEvil political correctness propaganda]]". For adjectives, the masculine gender is considered the "base form". While there are no gender- or age-specific first person pronouns like in Japanese (''я'' "I", like in English, [[TheAllConcealingI carries no connotations]] except "this person now speaking"), one cannot say a sentence in the past tense without revealing the subject's gender. On official forms, this results in all kinds of clumsy constructs involving parentheses for feminine constructs, like ''родился(ась)'' "was born". There are no gender-neutral third-person pronouns, and Russians don't normally bother even with the English-style cop-out "he or she" and just use "he" for people or animals of indefinite gender. Yes, animals too -- animals are "he" or "she", not "it", and some species names are grammatically always female (''белка'' "squirrel") or always male (''ястреб'' "hawk") with no way to form the opposite gender. The word for "person" (''человек'') is masculine as well. Note, however, it does not mean "man" as in a human male. There is another word for that (which confusingly has a feminine ending). Also interesting to note that Russian does not distinguish between "person" and "human." They are the same word.

Even terms for inanimate objects are also often masculine ("nozh" -- a knife) and feminine ("vilka" -- a fork). [[note]]That's why Russian superstition says that if a knife falls on the floor, expect a man into your house, and if a fork -- a woman.[[/note]] Most profession names except for "traditionally female" ones are forcing women to use masculine forms of adjectives. Notably, while there do exist ways to make feminine forms of some profession names, their usage is decreasing, and indeed women may find it derogatory and instead use the masculine forms, seen as more gender-neutral. [[note]]An even worse case exists with words "Машинист" and "Машинистка" (Mashinist and Mashinistka), which grammatically are male and female forms of the same word. The former means "a train operator/engineer" while the latter means "a typist"[[/note]]

Russian, like many languages, has different words for you-singular/informal(ты) and you-plural/formal(вы). You-plural is almost never used within family or between close friends and is usually used in formal situations. It is also a default for talking with a boss or simply an unknown person. The correct linguistic term for such disambiguation is ''T-V distinction'', and the related phenomenon of RoyalWe is called ''pluralis majestatis''.

You also have to look carefully at commas when reading Russian texts. Commas are used to create distinct logic blocks in sentences and their moving may change the meaning of the sentence, even to the direct opposite one. The iconic example of this is the phrase "Казнить нельзя помиловать" (lit. "Execute cannot pardon"), where the comma can be put in two positions, radically changing the meaning ("Execute, cannot pardon" vs "Execute cannot, pardon"). Fortunately, Russian punctuation is strictly formalized in an iconic work of a famous linguist Dietmar Rosenthal. Unfortunately, not many Russians know even the basic set of rules nowadays.


Kirpichny ("Brickish") language is the Russian equivalent of PigLatin: an obfuscated version of Russian spoken mostly by children. The main principle of Kirpichny language is doubling every syllable and substituting the consonant for "s" in the second syllable. For example, the word "Kirpichny" itself in Kirpichny sounds like "Kisirpisichnysy".

'''Why {{Fake Russian}}s Sound Like They Do'''

You will often hear Russian characters not using articles in sentences, for example: "large rocket ship blows up hotel with missile". This is because Russian does not have articles at all, unless you count some colloquial dialects in the north. "Large rocket ship" is a translation of Bol'shoy Raketny Korabl (BRK), an official Russian designation for a missile-carrying destroyer like the Project 956 Sarych "''Sovremennyy''" class.

Apart from article misuse, there are other characteristic traits of a Russian accent. Most of them come from the use of Russian pronunciation: 'R' in Russian is trilled and vowels in unstressed positions are usually 'reduced' to very short and more open-mouthed vowels. Some English vowels are indistinguishable to the Russian ear (for example, it is difficult for them to distinguish "man" and "men" or "bat" and "bet") [[note]]And unfortunately for them, "beach" and "bitch" and "sheet" and "shit" are also indistinguishable[[/note]]. Also, Russian does not have "long" vowels, so they do not distinguish them from short ones neither while hearing nor when pronouncing them (and even those who do, usually stress long vowels too much, for Russian stress is performed via both length and tone).

Ending consonants are often pronounced unvoiced; this, paired with the fact Russian does not have an 'ng' sound, results in words like "strong" being pronounced "stronk." There is also no "th" sound in Russian, a trait it shares with many other European languages, so they mispronounce "th" as "s" or "z" (other options include "f", "v" and "d"). Same thing with "w". Russians, like Germans, tend to pronounce it as "v" or sometimes "oo". And "h" is replaced by "kh" (sound closer to "ch" in "loch") or sometimes "g". In Russia, "Harry Potter" is known as "Gary Potter" ("Гарри" pronounced "Garree" being the Russian transliteration of the English name).