[[caption-width-right:350:[[BlatantLies clearly me]]]]

Aspiring writer... Casual gamer... Amateur longboarder... Bored intellectual... [[SophisticatedAsHell A tendency to mix complex words with moderate profanity...]] These things all describe one person, [[IHaveManyNames he who goes by many names]], [=SpaceWolf=].

I like anime and Western television. I also like literature and comics, and I have magnificent taste in music. I have seen a ton of movies. Basically, I have a huge reference pool. If you ever want a more detailed description of my interests, just hit me up in a PM. I'll likely reply.

I've never read ''SpaceWolf''. Before I became a troper, I didn't even know that it was a thing. [[NonIndicativeName Also, I'm not as into wolves as you'd think.]] [[EverythingsBetterWithMonkeys I'm really more of a monkey guy.]]

I am now the "Arbiter of Ambition", according to Tropers/SilentlyHonest.

[[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/TroperWall/SpaceWolf If you'd like to vandalize, go to my wall.]]


[[folder:Basic Information]]

* '''Age''': 25
* '''Sex''': Male
* '''Race''': Caucasian
* '''Relationship Status''': Single
* '''Location''': [[TheOtherRainforest Washington]]
* '''Occupation''': University student
* '''Political Views''': Moderate-liberalism (with an emphasis on egalitarianism, and a dash of anarchism)
* '''Religious Views''': {{Hinduism}} (Branch: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaishnavism Vaishnavism]])
* '''Common Nicknames''': Space, Spacey, SW, Wolf, Wolfy, Swolf



* An in-progress novel
* An in-progress comic script
