Shadow Warden is a long-time troper that has an on-again, off-again presence on this site. Their gender identity is nonbinary, hence the 'they/them/their' pronouns, but they don't mind whatever set of pronouns you use for them. They had a minor presence a while back running various '-quest'-style games on the forums, but tend to orphan them whenever life gets too busy. This page is the first one they've edited in a while, in order to account for their newly-preferred pronouns.

* [[ Live A Live (Video Game)]] (''Twice'', before and after TheGreatCrash.)
* [[ The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Film)]]
* [[ Blade Runner (Film)]]
* [[ Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki (Webcomic)]]
* [[ Spider And Web (Video Game)]]
* RussianGuySuffersMost (They now regret modeling the title after BlackDudeDiesFirst, due to the dissimilarity in the tropes and their context.)
* [[ The Secret Garden (Literature)]]

Contributed significantly:

* Began the Tabletop Games section on the Crowning Moment (Other) page, which is now its own page under Moment Of Awesome [[ right here.]]