Pkmario from '''''UP''''':

''{{Pokemon}}'' trainer, ''[[SuperMarioBros Mario]]'' player, ''HarryPotter'' Reader, ''{{Runescape}}'' mercher.

'''Characters: Cronicas De UP'''



[[folder:Black Charizard]]

!!Black Charizard
* [[spoiler:AbdicateTheThrone]]
* AchillesHeel: Rocks
* [[spoiler:ActionGirl]]
* AgentScully
* [[spoiler:BackstoryHorror]]
* BreathWeapon
* CallToAgriculture
* CantHoldHisLiquor: Seriously
* CaptainObvious
* ColorCharacter
* [[spoiler:DamselInDistress]]
* DangerousForbiddenTechnique: Blast Burn
* DesperationAttack
* [[DoesNotLikeSpam Does Not Like...Pizza]]!
* ElementalBarrier
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* [[spoiler:FakingTheDead]]
* FelonyMisdemeanor: The other characters reactions to finding out Char doesn't like Pizza.
* FinishingMove
* FireBreathingWeapon
* {{Flight}}
* FlyingFirepower
* FragileSpeedster
* GargleBlaster
* GiantFlyer
* GlassCannon
* GrowingWings
* HavingABlast
* InsultFriendlyFire: Calls Deosyx a Tentacled monstrosity, in front of Ktulu...
* LastSecondChance: To a Cthulhu soldier
* [[spoiler:LeftForDead]]
* [[spoiler:LegallyDead]]
* LongRangeFighter
* [[spoiler:NoOneCouldSurviveThat]]
* NotSoGreatEscape
* [[spoiler:OnlyMostlyDead]]
* PlayingWithFire
* PostVictoryCollapse
* ThePowerOfTheSun
* PowerStrainBlackout
* PricelessMingVase
* TheProfessor: In Leyendas
* SignatureMove
* SphereOfDestruction
* [[spoiler:RebelliousPrincess]]
* RemovedAchillesHeel: {{Downplayed}}, losing the fire on its tail lessened but didn't remove its weakness against Water attacks.
* [[spoiler:RoyalBlood]]
* [[spoiler:RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething]]
* [[spoiler:SecretlyWealthy: Subverted]]
* SpeciesSurname
* [[spoiler:TomboyPrincess]]
* TrappedBehindEnemyLines
* TurnsRed
* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: Suddenly arriving and asking Shilvi for sandwiches is the last straw that makes her leave and starts the "Turnabout Sensual" arc.
* [[spoiler:UselessProtagonist]]
* WeekendInventor
* WeNeedADistraction: While infiltrating the Rebels base
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]
* YourCostumeNeedsWork: In the HarryPotter fair


!! [=PkMario=]
* AttackReflector
* BadassCape
* BeamSpam
* [[spoiler:TheBeastmaster]]
* [[BroughtToYouByTheLetterS Brought To You By The Letter M]]
* [[spoiler:CallToAdventure]]
* CatapultToGlory
* ChromeChampion: Metal Mario
** MightyGlacier
** SuperToughness
** TheSpeechless
** StoneWall
* CombinationAttack: With Fox
* ElementalBarrier
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* EyeScream: Videogame arc
* FakinMacGuffin: Throwing a FireBall to make True think it's the Fire sphere and make it chase it while they escape.
* FinishingMove
* {{Fireballs}}
* {{Flight}}
* FlyingFirepower
* GlowingEyesOfDoom: After using a Smash Ball.
* GoombaStomp
* HatOfFlight: Wing Cap.
* HatOfPower
* HonestJohn
* HourOfPower
* HumanHammerThrow
* HyperspaceArsenal: The bag of items.
* IconicItem
* InASingleBound
* IncrediblyObviousBug: Hanging from a cell phone, camouflaged with a cat sticker.
* JackOfAllStats
* LamePunReaction
* MagicMushroom
* MillionToOneChance: Surviving his stunt with a Ship during Cronicas I.
* NiceHat
* PlayingWithFire
* RedIsHeroic
* RunningGag
* ShutUpScaryThing
* SizeShifter
* ThrownDownAWell
* TwoHeadedCoin
* [[spoiler:WeWorkWellTogether]]
* WhiteGloves

[[folder:Porygon 64]]

!!Porygon 64
* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation
* AmplifierArtifact: The Zap and Icicle Plates boost his elemental attacks by changing his type.
* [[ArtificialHuman Artificial Pokémon]]
* AwesomeButImpractical: The Plates.
* BewareTheNiceOnes
* BigDamnHeroes
* {{Buttmonkey}}
* TheDitz
* DealWithTheDevil: During the Inferbolica arc with Malebolgia to become {{Spawn}}.
* CharacterFilibuster
* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass
* CycleOfRevenge: Along with Goldy against Shilvi
* ElementalRockPaperScissors
* ElementalPowers: It is NonElemental by default, but with the help of special plates, it can change its type to [[GreenThumb Grass]], [[PlayingWithFire Fire]], [[MakingASplash Water]], [[ShockAndAwe Electric]], [[PoisonousPerson Poison]], [[BigCreepyCrawlies Bug]], [[BlowYouAway Flying]], [[DishingOutDirt Ground, Rock]], [[WrestlerInAllOfUs Fighting]], {{Psychic|Powers}}, [[AnIcePerson Ice]], [[SoulPower Ghost]], [[OurDragonsAreDifferent Dragon]], [[ExtraOreDinary Steel]] or [[CastingAShadow Dark]].
** AnIcePerson
** FireIceLightning
** ShockAndAwe
* EmeraldPower: Is the strongest evolution of a Porygon, and is naturally green instead of its pink preevolutions.
* GoodIsNotSoft
* [[spoiler:HomelessHero]]
* InnocentInnuendo
* KnifeNut: Uses a knife to kill [=KyogreTotal=] in ''Caidas''.
* LetsGetDangerous
* LimitedLoadout: The reason he can't carry too many Arceus plates at once.
* MentalPictureProjector: To clear his name after everyone thinks he did something to Chatot.
* MightyGlacier
* MultiformBalance
* NotWhatItLooksLike
* NonElemental
* NumericalThemeNaming
* OOCIsSeriousBusiness
* PaletteSwap: Basically a green Porygon 2.
* [[ADogNamedDog A Porygon Named Porygon]]
* PowerFloats
* TheSpeechless: Underwater.
* RunningGag: Having his head stuck
* SingleSpecimenSpecies
* SuperNotDrowningSkills: When Water type.
* [[UltimateLifeForm Ultimate Evolution Form]]
* UnusualUserInterface: An USB behind it's head
* UpToEleven: Is called Porygon 64 because it's the ''Sixty-fourth evolution'' of a Porygon.
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]
* [[YouAreNumberSix You Are Number Sixty Four]]

[[folder:Kiki Wan]]

!!Kiki Wan
* AcmeProducts
* AIIsACrapshoot
* ALoadOfBull
* BavarianFireDrill: Against the Banned
* BeastMan
* {{BFG}}
* BunglingInventor
* CameraSpoofing
* CompressedVice
* [[spoiler:DarkSecret: His experiments turned him and a host of others into {{Half Human Hybrid}}s, yet he decided to continue them until he arrived to the Forum.]]
* FlatEarthAtheist
* FriendshipMoment: Staying with the unconscious Unown through the night in R'lyeh.
* [[spoiler:TheGift]]
* GogglesDoSomethingUnusual: H.M.D.
* HoldingTheFloor: Makes an entire speech to hold the banned people from attacking the forum and instead convinces them to attack {{Microsoft}}.
* HomemadeInventions
* HornAttack
* HornedHumanoid
* IconicItem: His swiss army knife.
* InWorkingOrder: Managed to modify a few of the Cthulhus' tridents to make them work for himself using only intellect and his knife.
* ItSeemedLikeAGoodIdeaAtTheTime
* ItWasAGift: The knife again.
* KnifeNut
* LongDistanceRelationship
* MagicTool
* MementoMacGuffin: Eranx's knife.
* MrFixit
* NonActionGuy
* PhlebotinumBreakdown
* SesquipedalianLoquaciousness
* TheSmartGuy
* SmartPeopleBuildRobots: Built the robotic penguins that attacked the Uperos in the island.
* SomethingOnlyTheyWouldSay: The Uperos find out that he had been shrunk along with some others when he begins swearing with full SesquipedalianLoquaciousness after being almost crushed by Meta.
* SuperWeaponAverageJoe: While holding the Cthulhus' tridents.
* TrappedByMountainLions: Civil War arc
* UseYourHead
* WeaponOfChoice
* WhatWouldXDo


* ActionGirl
* TheArcher
* [[spoiler:BackstoryHorror]]
* BizarreAndImprobableBallistics
* [[BowAndSwordInAccord Bow And Broom in Accord]]
* BroomstickQuarterstaff: The Dragon broom.
* DeadpanSnarker
* ChildishPillowFight: With Haru in the Australian hotel.
* ChoiceOfTwoWeapons: The Dragon Broom in Broom mode or Bow.
* CloserToEarth
* CloudcuckoolandersMinder
* EnhancedArchaicWeapon: The Dragon Bow.
* ExtraExtraReadAllAboutIt: Given the role of a newspaper the Bethelem play.
* IconicItem
* {{Flight}}
* FlyingBroomstick: A Nimbus 2000.
* HighSpeedMissileDodge
* [[spoiler:ItWasAGift: The nimbus from her father, the Dragon broom from a wizard]]
* KickChick
* LongRangeFighter
* MorphWeapon
* {{Multishot}}
* [[spoiler:NeverGotToSayGoodbye]]
* OlderSidekick: To Java
* OptOut: In Cronicas I after being briefed on the dangerous mission they would be holding on a planet, she along with Pory decide to just run for it.
* PinballProjectile: Using the Gravity sphere along with her arrows during the Ktulu arc.
* SkeletonKeyCard: Using an arrow in David's door
* TheStraightAndArrowPath
* SwissArmyWeapon: The [[RuneScape Dragon]] broom
* TeamMom: Generally takes care that the others don't get hurt by their own messes
* ThrownOutTheAirlock
* TooMuchInformation
* TrappedByMountainLions: In Cronicas I.
* TrickArrow
* WeaponOfChoice
* WhipItGood
* WronskiFeint


!!Shock Unown "Haradsul"
* TheApprentice: Of Kiki.
* EnergyBall: Hidden Power
* EveryoneChasingYou
* CameraFiend
* {{Catchphrase}}: "Aiya!"
* {{Cyclops}}
* DangerousForbiddenTechnique
* DeadpanSnarker
* DitzyGenius
* TheDragAlong
* FacelessEye: Even as a hybrid, its eye comprises the entirety of its face.
* [[spoiler:FusionDance]]
* HeadbuttingHeroes: With Goldy at the start of the Ktulu arc.
* [[spoiler:ItBeganWithATwistOfFate: Came to visit the new Azalea town power plant, and was involved in a explosion that turned him into what he is now.]]
* LongRangeFighter
* MindOverMatter
* NonActionGuy: Prefers to be in the sidelines and not get in the action unless it's really necessary, which makes him clash with Goldy and others who love fighting.
* PlayfulHacker
* PostVictoryCollapse: After using the Psychic sphere to decimate the Cthubys army he is overloaded and spends unconscious till the next day.
* PowerFloats
* PowerStrainBlackout
* PsychicPowers
* ReverseShrapnel
* SatelliteCharacter
* TheSmartGuy
* TheSnarkKnight
* TeleportersAndTransporters
* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Apples!
* TrappedByMountainLions: Civil War arc
* [[ADogNamedDog A Unown Named Unown]]

[[folder:Haruka Yamada]]

!!Haruka Yamada
* ActionGirl
* AndCallHimGeorge: Has a tendency to smother cute things with affection until they can't breathe, like Mew.
* ArbitrarySkepticism
* TheBeastmaster: A Pokemon Trainer.
* BigRedButton
* BroomstickQuarterstaff: Her regular broom, which gets broken regularly.
* CallingYourAttacks: As a trainer, she has to call her Mon's attacks.
* CantHoldHisLiquor
* CaptainsLog: Has one during a trip in a submarine in the Micho arc in which she [[HilariousInHindsight writes brief phrases about every wacky and boring thing that happens around her, with commentary]].
* CatSmile
* CerebusRetcon
* ChildishPillowFight: With Jiru in the Australian hotel.
* CompositeCharacter: From ''Cronicas I'' to ''Caidas''.
* TheCutie
* DeusExMachina: Uses her Jirachi to save the Uperos from fighting against a few space gods and send them back to Earth during ''Cronicas I''. Also has a tendency to send away anything that is bothering her or the Uperos with her broom in ''Renacer''
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* FastballSpecial
* FauxActionGirl
* GirlsLoveStuffedAnimals: Has her entire room decorated with them.
* GirlyBruiser
* GlassCannon
* GoodIsNotSoft
* ImprobableWeaponUser
* KickChick
* NiceHat
* HomeRunHitter: The most frequent use of her broom is to launch things as far away as possible in one hit.
* KindheartedCatLover
** CrazyCatLady: Interchangeably.
* [[spoiler:LittleHeroBigWar: Sets out to help a colony of Mews after finding out they were being targeted by a poacher, in the middle of a war.]]
* {{Mon}}s
** AnimalJingoism
** CatStereotype
** CurbstompBattle: Mew vs Cthulhu. Cthulhu stomps.
** CuteKitten
** DeathFromAbove: Doom Desire.
** CombinationAttack
** EnergyBall
** ExtraOreDinary
** FinishingMove: Doom Desire.
** GravityMaster
** JackOfAllStats
** MakeAWish: Jirachi's wish powers, used once.
** NonElemental
** OlympusMons: Has 2 legendary Pokemon, which are powerful if small.
** PowerFloats
** PsychicPowers
** RidiculouslyCuteCritter
** ShapeShifting
* MegatonPunch
* MusclesAreMeaningless
* NerfArm
* NotQuiteFlight: Can use her Mew or Jirachi to take her floating.
* OffWithHisHead: Ktulu's
* OutOfSightOutOfMind
* PillowFight
* RealLifeWritesThePlot
* ReverseFunnyAneurysm
* ShutUpAndSaveMe: To Kiki in R'lyeh
* [[TheAllSolvingHammer The All Solving Broom]]
* SwissCheeseSecurity: Infiltrates the Blue team base in ''Leyendas'' with nary a problem.
* ThisIsUnforgivable
* ToiletHumour
* UnskilledButStrong
* WeaponOfChoice
* WaifFu
* WhoWouldBeStupidEnough
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]
* YouExclamation


!!Shilvi Gea
* ASimplePlan: Baking a cake to conquer Java, yeah that'll work.
* [[spoiler:BedlahBabe]]
* BewareTheSillyOnes
* BrownNote
* CatFight: With Nora.
* [[spoiler:CircusOfFear]]
* ClearMyName: After being accused of murder.
* ClingyJealousGirl
* CupidHatesOddCouples
* CuteClumsyGirl: As a RunningGag.
* CycleOfRevenge: Against Pory and Goldy.
* TheDanza
* [[spoiler:DarkAndTroubledPast]]
* DarkhorseVictory: After half the males fall for Dina, Shilvi turns out to be her true love. Subverted since Shilvi wasn't interested and turned her down before she left.
* DeadlyDisc
* DisproportionateRetribution
* TheDitz
* [[spoiler:DyeOrDie]]
* EmotionBomb
* ExactEavesDropping
* ForWantOfANail: The [[MultipleEndings bad ending]] of Turnabout Sensual in which she isn't cleared in the trial, destroys the courthouse and leaves the Uperos. The ending shows that without her and the Uperos as a line of defense the earth was invaded and [[TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt destroyed]].
** FridgeBrilliance: It all sounds like a joke, but the next arc involves an AlienInvasion in which the Uperos get involved precisely because Shilvi was declared innocent and decided to take a vacation on Japan to pay Java, and in which Shilvi has an important role yet again.
* {{Frameup}}
* GaleForceSound
* GenkiGirl
* GirlWithPsychoWeapon
* GlassShatteringSound
* IconicItem
* InsistentTerminology: ''Sexy'' shop!
* InstantSedation: To Pory and Goldy
* KidnappedByAnAlly: Not that she appreciates it.
* LetsJustBeFriends
* LivingLieDetector: Using her Magatama.
* LoverTugOfWar: With Nora to Daniel Radcliffe, of all people.
* MagicMusic
* MakeMeWannaShout
* MindControlMusic
* MusicalAssassin
* MyNameIsNotDurwood: Is called a number of different names by her boss Ana until she finally learns to say the correct one, almost.
* NotHelpingYourCase: Letting the prosecutor find out about your powers, calling David a "Flea", etc...didn't exactly help her much during her murder trial.
* OverlyLongScream
* PastimesProvePersonality
* PersonalityPowers
* PsychoticLoveTriangle
* RealLifeWritesThePlot
* RelationshipSabotage
* SatchelSwitcheroo
* TheScream
* ScreamingAtSquick: Screamed upon finding David's corpse in the Turnabout Sensual arc, which combined with her sonic powers accidentally destroyed everything made of glass nearby.
* ScreamingWoman
* SmoochOfVictory
* StereotypeReactionGag
* TeamChef: {{Deconstructed}} at the start of Turnabout Sensual.
* TerribleArtist: The map she drew on a napkin.
* WeaponOfChoice
* UnexpectedCharacter
* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: It's implied that Shilvi's presence in the new timeline's future prevented Suiku from being posessed by Espectro, therefore preventing him from becoming evil and turning into Icesday, but in turn allowing Char to be posessed.
* YouGottaHaveBlueHair: Purple

[[folder:Nora Izume]]

!!Dark Norami Izume
* [[spoiler:AccidentalMurder]]
* ActorAllusion: The LazyTown references
* AffirmativeActionGirl
* AlphaStrike
* BeamSpam
* BelatedBackstory
* BlackMagicianGirl
* BrokenMasquerade: At the end of the HarryPotter arc.
* BulletDancing: To Ojro.
* [[spoiler:TheCallLeftAMessage]]
* CastingAShadow
* CatFight: With Shilvi.
* [[spoiler:ChronicPetKiller: As a result of her developing her powers while she was a child.]]
* ClingyJealousGirl
* CreepyGood
* CupidHatesOddCouples
* ColorCodedElements
* ConvenientComa
* DamselInDistress
* [[spoiler:DarkAndTroubledPast]]
* DarkIsNotEvil
* [[spoiler:DarkSecret]]
* DeadlyGas: Has the power to produce poisonous gas.
* DistressedDamsel
* ElementalBarrier
* ExperiencedProtagonist: Though she maintains it a secret for a while.
* GlowingEyesOfDoom
* GreatBigBookOfEverything
* [[spoiler:IAmWho]]
* IKnowKungFu
* InsultBackfire
* TheKnightsWhoSaySquee
* LadyOfBlackMagic: {{Downplayed}}, sometimes ZigZagged.
* LetsJustBeFriends
* LoverTugOfWar: With Shilvi, to Daniel Radcliffe.
* MagicIsMental
* MagicMissileStorm
* MakeThemRot
* TheMasquerade: Keeps secret the existence of her powers and the magic world for some time, even from the Uperos.
* MagicMisfire
* MultiethnicName
* MysteriousPast
* NightmareFetishist: Her Christmas present.
* PerkyGoth: So much!
* PersonalityPowers
* [[spoiler:PowerIncontinence]]
* PsychoticLoveTriangle
* RedheadedHeroine
* SomedayThisWillComeInHandy
* StandardStatusEffects: Can poison or paralize opponents.
* StrangeSecretEntrance: Knows few ones for the Magical world, which she shows to Micho when he gets magic powers.
* [[spoiler:SympatheticMurderBackstory]]
* [[spoiler:TheyreCalledPersonalIssuesForAReason]]
* UnexpectedCharacter
* YouDidntAsk: Her reason for not revealing that she had darkness based powers until late into the series, or that's what she says...


!!Halfwolf Raven
* AbsurdlySharpClaws: Strong enough to cut Cthulhu elites to shreds.
* ActionGirl
* ActionGirlfriend
* AirVentEscape: Uses one to move through the forum during the Innocents arc, but ends up stuck in a broom closet.
* [[spoiler:AnimalNemesis: The Crow]].
* AwLookTheyReallyDoLoveEachOther
* BigBadassWolf
* CatchThatPigeon
* ChekhovsGun: 8 ball, Tribe's box
* CloseRangeCombatant
* DisneyDeath: After being shot by Cientifico in ''Caidas'', she later stands up and reveals she wasn't very affected because the bullet wasn't made of silver.
* ForHalloweenIAmGoingAsMyself: Went as Lupin to the HarryPotter costume contest, her only costume was transforming.
* GodGuise: After Fox is mistaken for a god by the Native tribe Half arrives and the natives decide they like her better.
* GoodIsNotSoft
* [[GuttedLikeAFish Gutted Like A Cthulhu]]
* HeroicResolve
* HowlingToTheNight
* HowlOfSorrow
* InterspeciesRomance: With Fox.
* LukeNounverber
* MamaBear: If anyone hurts Fox...
* OurWerewolvesAreDifferent
* PassThePopcorn: Loves to just grab Popcorn and sit back when action unfolds in front.
* LittleBitBeastly: Human form.
* ReactiveContinuousScream
* RescueRomance
* RunningOnAllFours
* SizeShifter: Her wolf form can grow to enormous sizes.
* SlasherSmile
* SuperStrength
* TelephonePolearm: Uses one against an Izaya impersonator that shoved her while in Japan, as a ShoutOut to ''{{Durarara}}''
* TotallyNotAWerewolf
* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Popcorn
* UnexpectedCharacter
* UnusualEars: Wolf ears of course.
* ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend
* VoluntaryShapeshifting: Can freely turn into wolf form.
* WallCrawl
* WellExcuseMePrincess
* WerewolfThemeNaming
* [[WolfMan Wolf Woman]]
* YouExclamation

[[folder:Fox Mccloud]]

!!Fox [=McCloud=]
* AcePilot
* AttackReflector
* TheBattlestar: The Great Fox.
* BeamSpam: With his gun.
* BigDamnHeroes
* BlastingItOutOfTheirHands: Blasts a bomb out of Ryop's hands, making him lose a few more fingers in the process.
* CrewOfOne: Drives the Great Fox by himself, although shrares pilot duties with Rojo on others, such as Jaime's ships.
* CunningLikeAFox
* DashAttack
* DeflectorShields: His reflector.
* DynamicEntry: Kicks Mew away to help Half
* [[spoiler:EtTuBrute]]
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* [[spoiler:TheFellowshipHasEnded]]
* FlashStep
* [[ADogNamedDog A Fox Named Fox]]
* FragileSpeedster
* FrickinLaserBeams
* GetAHoldOfYourselfMan: To Suiku.
* GodGuise
* GogglesDoSomethingUnusual: Scouter.
* [[spoiler:GotTheCallOnSpeedDial]]
* TheGrovel
* TheGunslinger
* HeroicSacrifice
* IgnoredEnemy
* ImprobablePilotingSkills
* InterspeciesRomance: With Half.
* [[spoiler:InTheEndYouAreOnYourOwn]]
* IronicEchoCut
* JerkassBall
* TheLongList: Tells Half all the things he has been doing while she was trapped in the broom closet, when she just looks at him confused he makes it up by offering her a taco.
* MrFixit
* NameMcAdjective
* OfficialCouple: With Half
* PettingZooPeople
* PlayingWithFire
* PuppyDogEyes
* RayGun
* ShutUpScaryThing
* SneezeOfDoom: That surprisingly blows up the bars on Deosyx's prison cells, only for the prison to replace them immediately.
* SuperSpeed
* SignatureTeamTransport
* TakingTheBullet
* TankGoodness
* [[spoiler:ThisIsSomethingHesGotToDoHimself]]
* UnexpectedCharacter
* WallJump
* WeaponOfChoice: The Blaster.
* [[spoiler:WeWereYourTeam]]
* [[spoiler:WeWorkWellTogether]]
* YouExclamation

[[folder:Suicune Reincarnation]]

!!Suicune Reincarnation (Suiku)
* AlternateSelf: Old Suiku, after he decides he won't turn out like him.
** ConquerorFromTheFuture
* AnIcePerson
* BigDamnHeroes
* BreathWeapon: Aurora and Ice beam
* {{Buttmonkey}}
* ChewToy
* ColorCodedElements
* DivingSave
* {{Dogfaces}}
* DogsAreDumb
* EarWorm
* ElementalBaggage
* ElementalBarrier
* {{En Route Sum-Up}}: Was explained about the Videogame arc while they were already on their way to the first game, since he was the last one to die.
* EverybodysDeadDave: Even you!
** InfoDump
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* FutureMeScaresMe
* [[spoiler:GoodParents: Maybe too good...]]
* HotBlooded
* [[spoiler:IAmWho]]
* LongRangeFighter: Specializes in special Water and Ice attacks.
* MakingASplash: Surf and Hydro Pump, full elemental control with the Water Sphere
* MeaningfulName
* [[spoiler:MeaningfulRename]]
* [[spoiler:{{Metamorphosis}}]]
* MundaneUtility: His water powers
* [[spoiler:{{Mythopoeia}}]]
* NeverLiveItDown: Something to do with and out of universe.
* NonverbalMiscommunication: When Pory tries to warn him with pantomime that a Cthulhu is approaching, he guesses "[[MakesJustAsMuchSenseInContext El Viaje a la Luna]]".
* OutdatedOutfit: Wears Bell bottom pants, for some reason.
* OutOfSightOutOfMind: Leminox
* [[spoiler:PersonalGainHurts]]
* [[spoiler:PersonaNonGrata]]
* PowerCrystal
* PowerStrainBlackout: {{Defied}}
* ProportionalArticleImportance
* PsychicLink: Forms one with the Cthulhu from the roof after being psychically connected to him for some time.
* SomebodyElsesProblem
* [[spoiler:{{Reincarnation}}: Duh]]
* [[spoiler:SlowTransformation]]
* [[ADogNamedDog A Suicune Named Suicune]]
* SuperNotDrowningSkills: Can breathe underwater.
* TemptingFate
* WaterWakeup
* [[spoiler:WithGreatPowerComesGreatPerks]]
* [[spoiler:YouCantGoHomeAgain]]

[[folder:Ktulu Primigenio]]

!!Ktulu Primigenio
* AccidentalMarriage: To a chicken in HarvestMoon.
* BackstoryHorror
* BackstoryOfTheDay
* BelatedBackstory
* BlatantLies: The excuse he gave to Suiku after he woke up with a sore...
* BrickJoke: The debt to Meta.
* CatchAFallingStar
* CharacterDevelopment
* CombatTentacles
* CreepyGood
* {{Cthulhumanoid}}
* [[ADogNamedDog A Cthulhu Named Ktulu]]
* CutHimselfShaving: Told Suiku he had fell in the tub/shower and that's why he was hurting.
* DarkIsNotEvil
* DeepSleep
* DefinitelyJustACold: Started feeling uneasy while the group was traveling through the Pacific ocean to return home, and kept getting worse as time progressed, as {{Foreshadowing}} to the Ktulu arc.
* ElementalBarrier
* {{Flight}}: Went through a ritual to have him grow wings like his fellow Cthulhus while he stayed in R'lyeh, but he had to get used to them first.
* FlightStrengthHeart
* GrowingWings: Using a ritual and drinking a potion...which was just RedBull.
* HoYay: Ejem.
* HowDoIShootWeb: Had some troubles at first while trying to get used to his new wings.
* IAmNotWeasel
* IJustKnew
* LastOfHisKind: Mentalists.
* LightningGun
* LivingRelic
* LogicalWeakness: Being an aquatic creature, Ktulu is susceptible to drying out and extreme heat, which he shares with other Cthulhus.
* LosingYourHead: Haru cuts his head in ''Cronicas I'' after he accidentally cut her earphones plug.
* LovecraftianSuperpower
* LovecraftLite
* LoweredRecruitingStandards: The reason he was allowed into the Cthulhu resistance despite the leaders' FantasticRacism and knowing he was a mentalist Cthulhu.
* MindRape: As one of his Lovecraftian powers.
* MemeticMolester: After certain scene with Suiku...
* MonsterRoommate
* MultiArmedAndDangerous
* MysteriousPast
* NotSoGreatEscape
* PardonMyKlingon: Occasionally dabbled in his native language which nobody could understand until the Ktulu arc.
* {{Phlebotinum}}
* PhlebotinumHandlingRequirements
* PowerGivesYouWings
* ProngsOfPoseidon
* PseudoCrisis
* PsychicStatic: Uses it to protect his team from being Mind-read by Meta.
* [[RealMenWearPink Real Cthulhu Wear Pink Glasses]]
* ShockAndAwe: Trident
* SpeciesSurname
* SpiderSense
* StarfishLanguage
* TokenHeroicOrc
* TranslationConvention
* TrappedBehindEnemyLines
* WeaponOfChoice

[[folder:Black Scizor]]

!!Black Scizor
* AbsurdlySharpClaws
* AchillesHeel: Fire
* AffectionateNickname: Scizy
* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation
* AnimalNemesis: The Mole
* BashBrothers: With Drako.
* BigCreepyCrawlies: Which gets him in troublet at the airport.
* BigGuyLittleGuy: With Drako.
* BlowYouAway: Silver Wind.
* ColossusClimb
* ColorCharacter
* CombinationAttack
* DesperationAttack: Reversal.
* DopplegangerSpin: Double Team.
* EatThat: The only one who actually enjoys eating bugs as a challenge during ''Leyendas''.
* EquippableAlly
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* ExtraOreDinary
* [[spoiler:GeneHunt]]
* HeterosexualLifePartners
* HiddenDepths: Programing.
* [[spoiler:IAmWho]]
* IncendiaryExponent
* LightningBruiser
* MistakenForMurderer: Leyendas.
* NaturalWeapon: His metallic claws.
* [[spoiler:ObliviousAdoption]]
* PowerPincers
* SitcomArchNemesis: The Mole.
* SpeciesSurname
* TheSquad: Formed one during the Ktulu arc after being left behind by Drako.
* SuperSpeed: Using Agility to compensate for his natural slow speed.
* TakingTheBullet: For Pory, but then uses the damage he received to activate his DesperationAttack.
* [[TurnsRed Turns Green]]: Has the Swarm ability.
* UseYourHead
* [[spoiler:VagabondBuddies]]
* WorthlessYellowRocks
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]

[[folder:Drako The Dragoon]]

!!Drako The Dragoon
* AchillesHeel: Ice
* AerialCanyonChase
* AlliterativeName
* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation
* BashBrothers: With Scy.
* BigDamnHeroes
* TheBigGuy
* BigGuyLittleGuy: With Scy.
* BreathWeapon: Hyper beam, Dragon breath...
* CallingYourAttacks
* CeilingCling
* ClearTheirName: Scy's in Leyendas
* EasyAmnesia
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* FinishingMove
* {{Flight}}
* FlyingFirepower
* GrievousHarmWithABody: Uses Scy's metallic body as a weapon to bash enemies.
* GrowingWings
* HeadbuttingHeroes
* HeterosexualLifePartners
* HighSpeedMissileDodge
* HotBlooded
* IdiotBall: Giving weird Gummies to Chatot.
* LightningBruiser
* [[ALizardNamedLiz A Dragonite Named Drako]]
* OurDragonsAreDifferent
* RedIsHeroic
* RepetitiveName
* SpeciesSurname
* SuperStrength
* [[spoiler:VagabondBuddies]]
* WronskiFeint
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]


* AcePilot
* AnimalJingoism: Discovers the hard way that Haru's Meowth isn't friendly towards a Raichu like him.
* BelatedBackstory
* DangerousForbiddenTechnique
* EnergyWeapons
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* FeverDreamEpisode
* FragileSpeedster
* HairTriggerTemper
* HotSkittyOnWailordAction: With Nady, a CatGirl.
* IconicItem: His Lightsaber.
* ImprobablePilotingSkills
* ItHasBeenAnHonor
* ItsNotYouItsMyEnemies: The reason he leaves Nady behind during ''Leyendas''.
* KirkSummation
* LaserBlade
* LoveAtFirstSight
* MasterSwordsman
* NinjaPirateZombieRobot: Jedi Raichu AcePilot without electric powers that owns a Lightsaber.
* NoSell: Tanks a electric attack from one of the Cthulhus while holding the Electric sphere, and returns one of his own.
* PostVictoryCollapse
* PowerStrainBlackout
* ProducePelting
* ThePromise
* PstandardPsychicPstance
* RePower
* RodentsOfUnusualSize
* ShockAndAwe: Averted, he doesn't have electric abilities on his own, to emphasize his Jedi and strategist side.
* TheSmartGuy
* TheStrategist: His role during a few battles, such as against the Cthubys.
* TechnicolorBlade: Yellow
* TokenRomance
* WeaponOfChoice
* WeddingDay
* WorthyOpponent


* AGodAmI
* ArcVillain
* [[spoiler:ArtifactOfDoom: The sphere on his armour]]
* {{Badass}}
* {{Badbutt}}
* BadassBeard
* BackFromTheDead
* [[spoiler:BackstoryHorror]]
* BatmanCanBreatheInSpace
* BeardOfEvil
* {{BFS}}
* BladeLock
* BreakTheHaughty
* BroughtDownToBadass
* CasanovaWannabe
* CapeWings
* ChestInsignia
* ClingyMacGuffin
* CoolAndUnusualPunishment: To Unown
* CoolSword: FD Link's Double Helix one
* [[spoiler:DarkAndTroubledPast]]
* [[spoiler:TheDarkSide]]
* DeathIsDramatic
* DefeatMeansFriendship
* DuelBoss: Against Sefi
* EasilyForgiven
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* FallenAngel
* {{Flight}}
* ForgivenButNotForgotten
* GogglesDoSomethingUnusual: Mask
* HeadbuttingHeroes
* TheHeavy: Of the Spheres Arc
* HeelFaceTurn
* HopeSpot
* IconicItem
* [[spoiler:InstantArmor]]
* ItsASmallNetAfterAll
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold
* JustEatTheMacGuffin
* [[spoiler:LaserGuidedAmnesia]]
* LoonyFriendsImproveYourPersonality
* MadeOfIron
* MakeThemRot: Made Meta oxidize ''twice'' during the Spheres Arc using the Nature and Dark Spheres.
* MakeWayForTheNewVillains: Quickly dispatched of the TerribleTrio of Scientists at the start of the Spheres Arc, and became the actual villain during it.
* [[spoiler:MagicalEye]]
* MonumentalBattle: Kyo towers
* NormallyIWouldBeDeadNow
* OddlyShapedSword
* PurpleIsPowerful
* [[spoiler:RageAgainstTheHeavens]]
* [[spoiler:ReallySevenHundredYearsOld]]
* ReformedButNotTamed
* SmugSuper
* SummonToHand
* SwordBeam
* RedemptionDemotion
* ReplacementFlatCharacter
* TechnicolorBlade: Purple
* TokenEvilTeammate
* UnexpectedCharacter
* VillainExitStageLeft
* WeaponOfChoice
* WipeTheFloorWithYou
* WingedHumanoid
* TheWorfEffect: Against him
* {{Troll}}


* ActionBomb
* BarrierWarrior
* BatmanCanBreatheInSpace
* [[spoiler:BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor: Wanted to leave the boring small island he lived in to have adventures, which led him to be captured by an evil team to be used as soldier in a war.]]
* BellyFlopCrushing: A RunningGag is him doing this to the sofa.
* BerserkButton: Someone else saying "Xao!", also being called Scum by the evil teachers in ''Caidas''.
* BigDamnHeroes: With Haru to Kiki in R'lyeh.
* TheBigGuy
* ChainedHeat: Gets glued to Pory.
* CloseRangeCombatant
* CompressedVice: Monthly magnetism, since which has become a RunningGag that appears at the more inappropiate times.
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* ExtraOreDinary
* HammerspaceHideaway: How do all the Uperos fit in a 2 meters long cell prison? [[InsaneTrollLogic Meta was stashed in Char's ear]].
* HoverBoard: He is used as one sometimes.
* [[spoiler:ItBeganWithATwistOfFate: Got captured by an evil team closely after leaving his pacific village.]]
* JumpedAtTheCall
* LivingLieDetector: Can read minds and laments it when he found out about Ktulu's secret before he could tell everyone else.
* MadeOfIron
* [[ADogNamedDog A Metagross Named Metagross]]
* MightyGlacier
* MissingMissionControl: Gets captured by the Box Ghost while psychically linking the different Uperos' teams.
* MyInstinctsAreShowing
* NoBiologicalSex
* OnlyOneName
* PlayAlongPrisoner
* PsychicPowers
* PsychicRadar: Sometimes used to locate psychically others, like Ktulu when he goes missing.
* PunchPunchPunchUhOh
* RecruitmentByRescue: He was trapped with Jiru and Kiki on a tree on a strange grey planet during ''Caidas'', they helped each other find civilization and then joined the Uperos when they came to rescue them.
* ReflexiveResponse: Obeyed one of Haru's commands when she quickly ordered him to hit Goldy, just as a reflex.
* SensorCharacter
* [[spoiler:SmallTownBoredom]]
* TheSmartGuy
* [[spoiler:SuperhumanTrafficking]]
* SuperStrength
* SuperToughness
* {{Telepathy}}
* UnexpectedCharacter
* UnstoppableRage
* WeaksauceWeakness: Is traumatized by the Cthubys Ktulu brings home for Christmas, later the group has to fight an army of them...
* [[WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes Why Did It Have To Be Cthubys?]]
* XMakesAnythingCool
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]

[[folder:Gold Dragon]]

!!Gold Dragon (Goldy)
* TheAce: Played straight in Cronicas I
* ADayInTheLimelight
* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation
* BladeLock: With True in the Spheres arc, with Sefi in the Pandora box arc.
* BladeOnAStick: His Halberd.
* BlowYouAway: His gust and whirlwind attacks, full elemental control with Air Sphere
* BoomerangComeback: Throws and makes his halberd come back using wind.
* BreakTheHaughty
* CameraFiend: While in London.
* TheCatCameBack
* CatchAFallingStar: To True.
* CharacterFilibuster
* [[spoiler:ChildhoodFriends]]
* CanonSue
* ColorCharacter
* CombinationAttack: With Sefi
* CornerOfWoe
* CrossingTheDesert
* CycleOfRevenge: Along with Pory, to Shilvi.
* [[spoiler:DarkAndTroubledPast]]
* DraconicHumanoid
* [[spoiler:DoomedHometown]]
* ElementalBarrier
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* FictionalVideoGame: His Christmas gift ''Aventuras de un dragón dorado, parte I''.
* {{Flight}}
* [[spoiler:ForgottenFirstMeeting]]
* FragileSpeedster
* [[GiveMeASword Give Me My Halberd Back]]
* [[spoiler:GrowingWings]]
* HeadbuttingHeroes: With Unown and Drako and True and Shilvi and...
* HesBack
* HumorDissonance: When he makes a joke that has all the Uperos laughing uncontrollably afterwards.
* HyperAwareness
* IconicItem
* IAmNotWeasel
* LeeroyJenkins: Has the tendency to jump headfront into action without measuring the consequences.
* NamedWeapons: The Windkiller.
* [[spoiler:NeverAcceptedInHisHometown]]
* PullTheThread: To Drako and Pory in ''Leyendas''.
* [[TheAllSolvingHammer The All Solving Gypsy]] ([[PhraseCatcher Enough with the Gypsy!]])
* ThisIsSomethingHesGotToDoHimself: His fight with Dark.
* WeaponOfChoice
* WeaponTwirling: Is frequently seen twirling his halberd, sometimes accidentally creating gusts of wind and blowing stuff away.
* WeHaveToGetTheBulletOut
* {{Whatever}}
* WingedHumanoid
* YouAreATreeCharlieBrown: Is given the role of the [[JustForPun star]] in the Bethelem play.
* YouGottaHaveBlueHair


!!Sephiroth (Sefi)
* AlienAbduction
* [[spoiler:BackstoryHorror]]
* {{BFS}}
* BladeLock
* BrainwashedAndCrazy
* {{Buttmonkey}}
* [[spoiler:ChildhoodFriends]]
* TheDragon: To Sombra.
* [[spoiler:DieOrFly]]
* CrossingTheDesert
* CurbStompBattle: In ''Leyendas'', against Haru and Aiji, later Pory against him.
* ElementalPowers: Pyro, Aero and Electric to be exact.
** BlowYouAway
** PlayingWithFire
** ShockAndAwe
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* DoAnythingRobot: In ''Leyendas'' and ''Caidas''.
* [[spoiler:DoomedHometown]]
* {{Flanderization}}
* [[spoiler:ForgottenFirstMeeting]]
* HeelFaceTurn
* HeelFaceRevolvingDoor
* [[spoiler:HeroicSecondWind]]
* HyperactiveMetabolism: Eating Jazz' carrot.
* IconicItem: His Katana
* InNameOnly: Compared to the original Sephiroth.
* IntimidationDemonstration: Subverted.
* [[spoiler:ItsPersonal]]
* KatanasAreJustBetter
* LegendaryWeapon: The Masamune, commented on by Venganza.
* MagicKnight
* MasterSwordsman: When he is not destroying everything with it...
* MirrorMatch
* MoralityChip
* NamedWeapons: The Masamune.
* NotCompensatingForAnything
* QuitYourWhining
* RePower: Was a Cyborg during ''Leyendas'' and ''Caidas'', was {{Cosmic Retcon}}ed to become a normal human with magic abilities and sword skills in ''Renacer''.
* RobotDog: Turns into one after being affected by a radiactive explosion.
* RunningGag
* SatelliteCharacter
* SingleStrokeBattle
* SpinAttack
* StrappedToAnOperatingTable
* SwordOverHead: To the ritual Cthulhu.
* [[spoiler:RoaringRampageOfRevenge]]
* TooDumbToLive
* [[spoiler:TookALevelInBadass]]
* UnexpectedCharacter
* UnroboticReveal
* UnwillingRoboticisation
* WeaponOfChoice
* [[spoiler:WellDoneSonGuy]]
* WhiteHairedPrettyBoy
* WorthyOpponent
* [[spoiler:YouKilledMyFather]]


!!Javato Solitario
* AbnormalAmmo
* AccuseTheWitness
* AffectionateNickname[=/=]EmbarrassingNickname: Beikon/Herr Beikon depending on who uses it.
* BoomStick: Has a rifle built into his cane.
* {{Bishonen}}
* BuildingSwing: Notably, chasing a Cthulhu to rescue Nora while swinging from rock formations using only his grappling hook cane.
* {{Buttmonkey}}
* CatchYourDeathOfCold
* CharmPerson
* ChickMagnet
* ClearTheirName: To Kiki, Unown and the rest of the Uperos, and later Shilvi. Of course, he is a lawyer so that's kind of his job...
* ConvenientComa
* CourtroomEpisode
* CuteShotaroBoy
* DealWithTheDevil: During the Inferbolica arc with Mefisto to become {{Ghost Rider}}.
* EasilyForgiven: The Uperos
* EurekaMoment: With Dravier about Ana's testimony
* EveryoneChasingYou
* ExasperatedPerp
* FlamingSkulls
* GrapplingHookPistol
* TheGunslinger
* HurricaneOfPuns: Uses them to taunt Noemi to make her lose her cool and reveal herself.
* HyperAwareness
* HypnoRay
* IconicItem: His cane and ring.
* ImprobableAge: Is 15. And a Lawyer.
* IShallTauntYou: How he defeats Noemi.
* IsItAlwaysLikeThis: His first reaction to witnessing the Uperos' antics.
* ItWasWithYouAllAlong
* LivingLieDetector: Using his bracelet to have perceiving powers.
* LoveTriangle
* NaiveNewcomer
* NotSoGreatEscape
* ThePerryMasonMethod: During the Sensualove Arc, tries to do this against Ana and Noemi.
* ThePiratesWhoDontDoAnything: Didn't do any lawyer job since he was introduced until Turnabout Sensual.
* PlotSensitiveLatch
* PrettyBoy
* RealMenWearPink: His favourite color!
* RescueRomance: With Nora.
* RingOfPower
* ScaramangaSpecial
* ShoutOut: Being a Lawyer with a special cane is one to Daredevil, his ring is from RuneScape, his bracelet from ''ApolloJustice'', his BuildingSwing and his "Javacnid sense" to {{Spider-man}}...
* SkullForAHead
* SmoochOfVictory
* SuperWristGadget
* SwissArmyWeapon
* ThatCameOutWrong: Frequently, specially during Turnabout Sensual.
* TrappedBehindEnemyLines
* WeaponOfChoice
* WhatWereYouThinking
* YouDidntAsk


* TheAlcoholic
* AlcoholHic
* AnAxeToGrind: Makes one made of crystal during battles.
* BadassAbnormal
* BackstoryOfTheDay
* BodyHorror
* TheCallPutMeOnHold
* CleanCut
* CoolCar
* CornerOfWoe
* [[spoiler:DesperatelyLookingForAPurposeInLife]]
* DiscardAndDraw
* DrinkingContest: During Leyendas with Mew. Mew won after Sesa fell while holding a keg.
* DrinkingOnDuty: Helped everyone escape the Videogames dimension by getting the guards drunk and letting everyone escape. [[spoiler:Also, the reason the Demonic Gene experiment didn't affect him at first was because he was drunk and couldn't be affected.]]
* DropTheCow: Drunk the guards to cut the Videogames arc short.
* DrunkenMaster
* EnemyWithin: The demonic gene.
* FinishingMove
* GrievousBottleyHarm
* [[HardDrinkingPartyGirl Hard Drinking Party Boy]]
* IJustWantToBeSpecial
* ImmuneToDrugs: To drinking
* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: Venganza
* IncessantMusicMadness: Is left with Shilvi to search through a mountain to find the Earth sphere, after they give up Shilvi spends several hours singing and driving him mad until they come find them.
* [[spoiler:ItBeganWithATwistOfFate: Falling into a beer container when he was young.]]
* LockedInTheBathroom: To escape from Shilvi, though still ends up being asleep on the tub when Shilvi starts singing a lullaby to escape from Wasu, when he wakes up he refuses to let the door open to anybody until they go to sleep.
* MagicMirror: Can create one that makes people who stare at it feel drunk.
* MineralMacGuffin
* NeckLift
* NewSuperPower
* NeverGetsDrunk
* NonverbalMiscommunication: April fools day arc
* NoodleIncident
* PastimesProvePersonality
* PersonalityPowers
* [[RealMenWearPink Real Men Drive Purple Karts]]
* SinglePowerSuperheroes
* TheSmartGuy
* [[SmartPeoplePlayChess Sober People Play Chess]]
* [[spoiler:SpannerInTheWorks: Since they thought the Demonic Gene experiment was a failure, the whole operation closed down, causing no further damage but still living within Sesa.]]
* SpiritBomb
* SwissArmySuperpower
* UnfazedEveryman
* TheTeamNormal
* TookALevelInBadass
* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Beer
* UnexpectedCharacter
* UpgradeArtifact
* WackyRacing
* WeNeedADistraction
* WhatCouldHaveBeen: Several powers were considered to give him after winning the Kart race with powers as the prize. Eventually it was settled on giving him the ability to control crystals to fit with him always carrying a bottle of beer. Also he was only going to be able to control existing glass, so he would have to use the beer he was carrying to make weapons, but ultimately he was given the ability to create crystals on his own to not make him depend on what he was carrying.
* WorkplaceAcquiredAbilities


* AbnormalAmmo
* BatterUp
* ConfusionFu
* ConvenientComa
* CreatingLife: Averted.
* TheDanza
* DeepSleep
* DeusExitMachina
* DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything
* DropTheHammer
* EarlyBirdCameo
* FireBreathingWeapon
* FunPersonified
* GoodIsNotSoft
* HoldingBackThePhlebotinum
* ImaginationBasedSuperpower
* ImaginaryFriend: Wasu
* ImmuneToDrugs
* MinorInjuryOverreaction
* NonActionGuy
* NoMoreForMe
* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: Defeated a big part of the Cthulhu army that tried to invade the Elders base, by himself, offscreen
* OutOfSightOutOfMind: Gus, Devan, etc.
* PastimesProvePersonality
* RealityWarper
* RealityWarpingIsNotAToy: {{Exploited}} by Char, who whispered to Jaime in his sleep to make him appear a bunch of Cods and stink up the place.
* SinglePowerSuperheroes: Unless playing Smash is considered a superpower...
* SmokingIsCool
* SpontaneousWeaponCreation
* StonersAreFunny
* SuicideAttack
* SuperpowerLottery
* SwissArmySuperpower
* TankGoodness
* ThatOnePlayer
* [[spoiler:TimeAbyss]]
* TranquilFury
* UselessSuperpowers: Against Icesday
* WhiteHairedPrettyBoy

[[folder:Haunt Sauron]]

!!Haunt Sauron
* [[spoiler:BackFromTheDead]]
* BlowYouAway: Ominous Wind
* CastingAShadow
* ColorCodedElements
* [[spoiler:{{Curse}}]]
* [[spoiler:CurseThatCures]]
* DeadlyDodging
* [[spoiler:EmergencyTransformation]]
* ExperiencedProtagonist
* GlassCannon
* [[spoiler:HauntedHouse]]
* [[ADogNamedDog A Haunter Named Haunt]]
* HeliumSpeech
* IChooseToStay
* IntangibleMan
* {{Invisibility}}
* KidnappedByAnAlly
* [[spoiler:MutualKill]]
* NoOneCouldSurviveThat
* NoSell
* OurGhostsAreDifferent
* PowerFloats
* [[spoiler:RecruitmentByRescue]]
* RaymanianLimbs
* SoulPower
* StandardStatusEffects
* SupernaturalIsPurple
* [[spoiler:TheyreCalledPersonalIssuesForAReason]]
* UnexpectedCharacter

[[folder:Champion Micho]]

!!Champion Micho
* AmbiguouslyGay
* ArbitrarySkepticism
* TheArtifact
* {{Bookworm}}
* CatchPhrase: "[[ExtendedGreetings Buenos dias desde Metropoli Morelia!]]"
* CharacterExaggeration
* CovertPervert
* CunningLinguist
* DitzyGenius
* DidYouJustFlipOffCthulhu
* ExtendedGreetings
* GenreBlindness
* [[spoiler:GodGuise: Lugia]]
* GottaCatchThemAll
* GreatBigBookOfEverything
* HealingHands
* HealingPotion
* TheHeart
* [[HometownNickname Hometown Name]]
* HyperspaceArsenal
* [[spoiler:ImmigrantPatriotism: Isn't actually from Michoacan, yet everybody knows his love for that place.]]
* ImprobableWeaponUser
* IncomingHam
* InnocentInnuendo
* InWorkingOrder
* [[spoiler:ItBeganWithATwistOfFate: Stowed away on a travelling cruise, which head into a sea storm, making him fall out and meet Lugia, starting his interest in Pokemon matters.]]
* [[spoiler:LittleStowaway]]
* MagicAntidote
* TheMedic
* TheMessiah
* MilhollandRelationshipMoment
* MulderMoment
* NaiveNewcomer
* NeverLiveItDown
* NonActionGuy
* [[spoiler:NonIndicativeName]]
* OhMyGods
* PastimesProvePersonality
* ThePhilosopher: Who everyone thinks he thinks too much.
* PhraseCatcher: "YouThinkTooMuch! xO"
* ThePollyanna
* PostponedQuestion
* SinglePowerSuperheroes
* SmartPeoplePlayChess
* SmartPeopleWearGlasses
* StarfishCharacter: During the Abyss arc
* SubvertedCatchphrase
* SuperWeaponAverageJoe
* SupportPartyMember
* TalkingYourWayOut
* TheTeamNormal
* ThirdPersonPerson
* ThrowTheBookAtThem
* TokenReligiousTeammate
* TooSpicyForYogSothoth
* UnfazedEveryman
* {{Unobtainium}}
* WeAreTeamCannonFodder
* WhatCouldHaveBeen: There were several attempts to make him more useful by giving him different powers, until it was decided to turn him into TheMedic, one of which was to give him a Golden Armour from ''SaintSeiya'' in the middle of ''Leyendas'', Micho himself decided against it because it made no sense.
** He also was the first choice to become the Demon that attacked the Uperos during the Sombra ship raid, but real life issues threw a wrench at that plan.
* WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway
* WideEyedIdealist

[[folder:Norik Mew]]

!!Norik Mew Master
* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation
* [[spoiler:AngstWhatAngst]]
* AnnoyingLaugh
* AprilFoolsDay
* ATasteOfTheirOwnMedicine: After being left hanging in a closet wearing silly clothes by Haru for the entire Ktulu arc, Mew later comes back and hangs her with a sillier dress in her room in revenge.
* ADayInTheLimelight: Twice
* AnimalStereotypes
* AscendedExtra
* [[spoiler:BackstoryHorror]]
* BeamOWar
* TheBusCameBack: Several times, he finally returned to stay in the Box Ghost Arc.
* CallingYourAttacks
* [[spoiler:TheCallKnowsWhereYouLive]]
* CantHoldHisLiquor
* CatsAreMean: A lot. But not evil
* CatSmile
* ChekhovsGunman
* ConfusionFu
* CoolAndUnusualPunishment
* CrowningMomentOfAwesome
* DarkIsNotEvil
* DisproportionateRetribution
* DrinkingContest: Against Sesa, as part of the Blue team during Leyendas. He is declared winner after Sesa falls backwards trying to drink an entire keg.
* EarlyBirdCameo
* EyeBeams: Psybeam
* {{Flight}}
* FlyingFirepower
* ForgivenButNotForgotten
* FunPersonified
* FurryConfusion
* GondorCallsForAid
* GoodIsNotSoft
* GreenRooming: When he came in Christmas
* [[spoiler:GrowingWings]]
* HeroicNeutral
* HopelessBossFight: Against the Box Ghost
* InsultedAwake
* KarmicTrickster
* KillerRabbit
* [[ADogNamedDog A Mew Named Mew]]
* MirrorRoutine: With Goldy
* NeutralNoLonger
* OlympusMons
* OneSceneWonder: In Cronicas I
* ParanoiaGambit: With Jaime
* PastimesProvePersonality
* PieInTheFace
* PintsizedPowerhouse
* PowerCopying
* PowerNullifier: Embargo
* PutOnABus: At the beggining of Cronicas I after playing a prank, at the start of ''Caidas'' along with the rest of the Blue team, during the Ktulu arc he stayed behind while everyone left to R'lyeh, and finally he came back one last time for a revenge and left when he was done. Since then he has come back and stayed for good.
* ThePrankster
* PrinceOfPranksters
* PsychicPowers
* SpeciesSurname
* RedemptionDemotion
* RedEyesTakeWarning
* SmugSuper
* UnexpectedCharacter
* [[spoiler:YouAllShareMyStory]]