ELLO! I am PinkDave

Here are a few facts about myself I will try to add more every day.

1. I think the color pink is powerful because it gets everybody’s attention.
2. I love Vocaloids, Touhou, and Anime…ECT.ECT.
3. I love books, especially fantasy so if any of you have suggestions please put them down.
4. I am male
5. I fell bad for the forum games that are never played so I go and play them so if their are any abondend games or topics you think I would be interested in post them here or send me PM.

I will add more later

* Hiiiiii - @/{{cutewithoutthe}}

* Hey there! I won't [[{{Pyromaniac}} set your page on fire]], so you don't have to worry about that. :P -@/{{Nekoalexa}}

* She's lying don't listen to her! OH GOD SHE'S GOT A MATCH! -@/{{Enkufka}}

* Extinguishers are on the left, hopefully. ~@/{{GameSpazzer}}

* Yo, Pinky! What's the haps? VANDALISM iz crood ~{{Tropers/Enzeru}}

* What up dude!!! this is the bomb!!. ~{{@/GillyGirl32}}

* Hey, I know that engine! -[[{{@/Snicklin}} Pink Dave]]

* I am your evil twin -[[{{@/JailBait}} Pink Dave]]