Welcome, fellow tropers. This troper is known as Nimitz, but you can just call him Nim. Though he's lurked around the site for around a year, only recently did he actually join as a proper member. He's ready to make his mark on TvTropes. Personality-wise, this troper is friendly, open-minded and is almost always eager to meet new people, though he can be a little too excitable at times, and he may not always shut up when you tell him to. Other times, however, he can be rather low-key.

He's currently feeling his way around the site, pondering on what he should do...

Tropes that apply to Nimitz:
*{{Apologises A Lot}}
*{{Brilliant But Lazy}}: Sometimes this troper comes up with ideas he considers to have great potential, but, alas, he usually gets distracted by other things, or he just can't muster up the motivation.
*{{Character Alignment}}: {{Neutral Good}}.
*{{Does Not Understand Sarcasm}}: Occasionally.
*{{The Drag Along}}: For some places. Especially the beach.
*{{No Sense Of Personal Space}}: In his younger years. Thankfully, he's more careful these days.
*{{Not A Morning Person}}
*{{Sliding Scale Of Idealism Versus Cynicism}}: This troper leans over to the idealistic side of the scale: he knows that the world can be cruel, but overall, he believes that most people are innately good, and he maintains the hope that humanity will persist and move on to a better future.
*{{Think Nothing Of It}}: When he's feeling altruistic.