Long time troper, relatively new contributor, adding a few examples and some Wild Mass Guessing here and there.

Fan of various video games (especially MetalGear, MassEffect, and Insomniac Games' work), music (JanelleMonae, ArcadeFire, and Andrew Bird above all else), and telly. Her current fandom is TheDresdenFiles. Fanfic writer, fanvid enthusiast, and big advocate for meta and over-analysis.

Possibly a Patron Saint of Fanmixes in disguise. Cannot be part of a fandom without making a mix or two for it, even if they go unposted.

Helped create the EighthDoctorAdventures page with Lullabee.

Has had her life taken over by ''[[http://archiveofourown.org/works/160668/ The Matter of Chicago]]'', a DresdenFiles AU, looking at how the entire series would change if Harry had been forced to sign on with Marcone in the middle of ''Fool Moon''. [[MyGodWhatHaveIDone The first book is over 130,000 words long.]]

'''This troper provides examples of:'''

* AmbiguouslyJewish: Not practicing, but was raised in a Jewish household and often identifies as this or...
* [[UsefulNotes/{{Atheism}} Atheist]]
* AuthorAppeal: Most fanfic involves unbalanced power dynamics between characters and how to resolve them.
* GushingAboutCharactersYouLike: Do not mention [[EighthDoctorAdventures Fitzgerald Kreiner]] if you don't want an earful.
* SignatureStyle: In fanfic, yes.
** Scenes that end with characters "trying very hard not to think."
** Titles are done in lowercase.
** Bi- or multi-lingual characters who use their extra languages to safely express affection.
** FoodPorn.
* TVTropesWillRuinYourVocabulary
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Severely apiphobic. Has jumped out a moving car to escape a wasp and cannot watch television shows that feature bees or wasps without feeling very panicky.
* YoungerThanTheyLook: Been mistaken for five to ten years older over and over. Was thought of as a college professor one time. Behold the power of specs and hair chopsticks, apparently.
