A small - no, really?! - girl from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. 20 years old, 1,58m tall(short?), addicted to videogames and internet, a dragon fangirl(*squee*), RPG player, future game designer(hope so!), music-lover, emoticon-user... And i'm learning japanese, yey. o/

Also a friend of {{Lumine}}. He's my aniki. Not really, but well, whatever.

Also, she loves editing things on {{Troper Tales}}. Hey, it's fun to tell stories!
Already told her tales about:


Oh yeah, {{Lumine}} also say she's like him:

*'''BrilliantButLazy''': So much true...
*'''NeverGrewUp''': Literally, nyoho!

And she adds:

*'''NoIndoorVoice''': How many complains I received about talking too loud? And let's not forget about the singing...
*'''BlindWithoutEm''': Oh, so true...