A certain Witch of Miracles constantly seeking ways to kill the illness called "boredom" consuming her being. Natural habitat is the visual novels subforum, but is constantly trying to reduce her time in this place.

[[folder:Media I consume]]

* [[http://myanimelist.net/animelist/the_executioner Anime]]
* [[http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7597343 Books]]
* [[http://myanimelist.net/mangalist/the_executioner Manga]]
* [[http://vndb.org/u23394/list Visual novels]]

[[folder:Vandalisms, et al]]
%% Purged November 5, 2011 at 7:43 PM, GMT +8:00
* [--I-I'm vandalising your page...--] [---I-if that's all right with you...---] - @/{{Deadbeatloser22}}
* Hey, Lib! @/InhopelessGuy
* Vandalising Vandalizer! ~@/{{raigakuren}}
* I'll take this page...AND VANDALIZE IT! ~ @/{{A Stray Bard}}
* If you only watch one movie this year, it should be ''RealSteel''. --@/SeanMurrayI
** Already did. It was fucking badass. -- @/LiberatedLiberater
* [[@/KarlKadaver November 17, 2011]] - [[ApocalypticLog Journal Entry #211]] - I went into a strip club for the first time ever today. Needless to say, I was sorely disappointed. Whatever fun times were to be had there before the "outbreak" were long gone now. As it was with all the other buildings I entered, this place was completely empty. No blood, no guts, and certainly no strippers. But I didn't find any of those ''things'' either. Even the most bustling places can be downright eerie when there's no one there. I rested for a while in front of the stage, just imagining what it was like in its heyday when something occurred to me: I had completely forgotten what it was like to live a normal life. Completely. All I knew now was running.
* You shall be now known as Lib Lib! ~@/{{raigakuren}}
* Oh, did I say, "''RealSteel''," earlier? I meant to say, "''InTime''." --@/SeanMurrayI
** Yeah, kinda interested in that one too. -- @/LiberatedLiberater
*** Really? [[SincerityMode I was just bullshitting and trying to be stupid.]] --[[@/SeanMurrayI me again.]]
* I send my greetings to the free man who spreads freedom. - @/CompletelyNormalGuy
* Hello. I HAVE ARRIVED. @/InhopelessGuy
* Gingerbread ice cream is real. And real good. - @/{{Mort08}}
* I have spent my past several months studying this strange creature known as the troper. Apparently, it is customary for them to leave a note at the bottom of the contributor page of others of their kind. How this custom began, I don't know. I must continue investigating. - @/CompletelyNormalGuy
* So apparently I must leave a vandalism here in the form of a message. I have nothing interesting to say so MAHNA MAHNA. - @/JRPictures
* Hello, I have ''not'' arrived ~ @/WhoNeedsSleep
* I once dated a self-proclaimed "witch", actually. I never saw her do much "witch stuff" though, you know? --@/SeanMurrayI
* [[superscript:Lolololol]] ~PancticeSquadeCutterback
* [[teal:I learned colors and I'm showing you that its true!]] --@/{{Frosplosion}}
* I am a hurricane... - @/KatanaCat
* I don't like Sundays. --@/SeanMurrayI
* I'll trade a few Thursdays for Sean's sundays ~ @/WhoNeedsSleep
* I friggin owe you. --@/EternalNoob
* Let us not talk falsely now. The hour's getting late. Okay, BobDylan lyrics aside, it really is getting late. - @/CompletelyNormalGuy
* [[@/{{jcruz}} This Troper]] can't believe jcruz isn't here yet. [[foldercontrol]]

[[folder: Hai Lib! ]]

* [[subscript:I was never here]] ~ @/WhoNeedsSleep
* Behold my WIZARDYNESS!!!---- @/saintdraze
* {{Chuck}} and {{Community}} are AWESOME - @/JRPictures
* Your page has more lines than JohnBelushi at an 1977 [[SaturdayNightLive SNL]] wrap party. --@/SeanMurrayI
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx8Xb5VJulQ I've never BEEN HERE before!]] --@/SeanMurrayI
* ArchivePanic... This profile :P awesome profile picture do --{{Baff}}
* Oh, hi there! @/InhopelessGuy
* Again. Here.
* ''UP ka rin?'' Awesome! ''Diliman ka'', or Manila/Los Banos? -- [[@/{{Icarael}} Another UP guy]]
** '''OKAY SERIOUSLY. WE NEED TO DO SOME RESEARCH ON HOW MANY MAROONS THERE ARE.''' Welp, my Tito's an Eagle, don't wanna start a war here. ''DILIMAN SIYA ATA.'' -- @/EPIC
*** I swear, we Tropin' Maroons ought to meet up IRL some time... -- [[@/{{Icarael}} Another UP guy]]
* Long time no vandalism. ~@/{{Theindefiniteone}}
* SURVIVAL STRATEGY!!! ~@/{{raigakuren}}
* My realization... --@/EternalNoob [[quoteright:333:http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/DDDDD_6001.png]]
* -crash thud- Oof. Where am I? Whose page is this? Oh, it's you. Hi there. Sorry about the ceiling. - @/CompletelyNormalGuy
* kyuu kyuu ~@/{{raigakuren}}
* Totally stole your profile format. =D --@/NoLimit
* Hello there. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to let JR vandalise your page. If you get compromised you will be disavowed and vandalised regardless. - @/JRPictures
* You say you are a wolf! Prove it!!!
* LOL I WUZ HERE @/AikoHeiwa
* I was also here. It's been quite some time since I've seen you around these parts. @/{{Dark Confidant}}
* qqqqqqqqqq @/AikoHeiwa
* Hello, i'm here again. LALALALA @/{{eternal Noob}}
* [[{{Firefly}} Gorramit River]] - @/JRPictures
* Alright, this is important, so listen carefully. The key to the box with all the answers is... [THE REST OF THIS VANDALISM IS CENSORED BY SOPA] - @/CompletelyNormalGuy
* You think that restraining order will stop me?! Stalkers keep on stalkin'. :D -@/VanishingReality
* [[TheSmurfs La la la la la la la Sing a Happy Song.]] - @/JRPictures
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FchGIDPFANM I am the best, yes, Impact. Dash! Dash! Dash!]] -@/{{Ailedhoo}}
* [[TheCulture One hundred idiots make idiotic plans and carry them out. All but one justly fail. The Hundredth Idiot, whose plan succeeded through pure luck, is immediately convinced that he's a genius.]] -@/{{desdendelle}}
* [[{{Berserk}} SO PUT YOUR GRASSES ON, AND NOFFIN WILL BE WOONG]].- @/{{eternal Noob}}
* Once upon a time, I was walking on a sidewalk going for a walk, and I came across this slab of wet cement in the sidewalk that I was walking on. So I bent down and wrote my initials in the wet cement with my fingers, and then some guy raking leaves on his lawn caught me doing this and whined, "Oh c'mon, why would you do a thing like that? At least, do something a little more ''creative''." So I grabbed his rake, cracked his kneecaps, poked some tiny holes in his neck, and dragged his body over to the cement where I used the blood dripping from his neck to fill in the space where I wrote my initials. Then, with one last dying breath, the man said, "That's better." THE END --@/SeanMurrayI
* Hi. How's it going? ~@/{{Rockonman}}
* Oh hey a fellow Filipino. I've lived in America all my life and barely know any Tagalog though. @/{{superangelo 128}}
* um... hi. just, hi. -@/{{Passerby}}