Karmadoodles is a [[MemeticMutation mudkip]].

!!!Tropes That Describe Me
* AcceptableLifestyleTargets -- I am a self-proclaimed geek.
* AmIRight
* BrutalHonesty
* CloudCuckooLander
* CompletelyMissingThePoint
* DeadpanSnarker
* FacePalm
* NoSenseOfDirection
* RapidFireComedy
* TheKlutz
* TheMusical -- I live in one.

!!!{{Pet Peeve Tropes}}
* AcceptableNationalityTargets -- Americans. Uh, rest of the world? We're not all like that.
* {{But Not Too White}} -- as an extremely pale person, the idea of changing my skin color by tanning, etc. is not only offensive, but difficult (I sunburn, and look terrible in self-tanner).
* TeensAreMonsters

!!![[RunningJoke Mudkip!]] I choose...