Hello, I'm Jojabar. YouMightRememberMeFrom such page titles as:

* RetGone
* SnarkBait
* WhereIWasBornAndRazed
* ClaspYourHandsIfYouDeceive
* OnTheMoney
* ShipToShipCombat
* CloningGold
* StopHavingFunGuys
* SwissArmyHero
* ANiceJewishIndex

Other UsefulNotes:
* Lives in the SF Bay Area.
* Godless liberal (just so it's clear where my bias lies).
* Passionately pro-Oxford Comma.
* Teenage Mutant Natter Nuker
* Responsible for the overloaded/saturated split in TropeOverdosed.
* Five-time MadeOfWin nominee.

