You've clicked the link, now welcome to your doom!

Dutchtica is Dutch.
[[strike:Lives in England.]] ''Used to live'' in England. Now back in native Netherlands.
This has given me a tendency to spell things like they ''should''. With unnecessary U's, like colour and armour.
Bit of a GrammarNazi but not trying to be a dick about it.

[[ThirdPersonPerson Dutchtica]] used to be a ThirdPersonPerson. Still trying to kick this. Some bits:

* BlindWithoutThem
* DoesNotKnowHisOwnStrength
* [[FreeStateAmsterdam I don't live in Amsterdam.]]
** [[CharacterizationMarchesOn I do now]].
* GrammarNazi
* FakeBrit.
* MustHaveCaffeine
* [[TalkingIsAFreeAction Motor Mouth]]

Has probably added more Castlevania entries on this site than anybody else, when going through Monster tropes.
Into comics, videogames, and [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife has had his life ruined by TV Tropes.]]

Big fan of {{Castlevania}}, LegendOfZelda, {{Nintendo}} in general, and beer.
I've created the RekkitRabbit page (Not exactly my proudest moment, but [[GratuitousFrench enfin]]. And the RogerMoore page (My GREATEST creation! Muahahaha!)

I go on "quests" to enhance pages,
currently busy with

Big Finish DoctorWho: On hold, because I realized my comicbook backlog was getting to be too large.
UltimateMarvel: Just finished all of the runs and am up to date.
{{Batman}}: Got a couple of Batman trades in, probably be looking to expand on this.

I has a {{Twitter}}, @Dutchtica, [[!/Dutchtica Found here]].
I'm also on a comicbook message board,

If you read this before I become internet famous, tell me.