Drashian is the coolest person you will ever meet. He also has a [[ShamelessSelfPromoter very big head]].

He's currently involved in the {{Homestuck}} fandom, but he also enjoys {{Hanna is Not a Boys Name}}, {{Gurren Lagann}}, {{Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt}}, {{Watchmen}}, {{Knights of the Old Republic}}, {{Firefly}}, {{The Legend of Zelda}}, {{Friendship is Magic}}, {{Trace Memory}}, and other forms of nerdy media. He spends his days writing, drawing, playing video games, blogging, and being a social justice activist. He and {{Katrani}} are also best buds in RealLife.

He doesn't really do much around here any more, but oh well. He can be found on other places on the internet, (nearly) always by the same username (but no, he doesn't play {{World of Warcraft}} and has no idea why someone else has his username on there).
