-waves- I'm a troper. Duh. I honestly cannot think of anything to put here. So, hi. And stuffs. [[color:orange:CHEESEPUFFS]]. My handle is an in-joke that absolutely nobody here will get. All I care to say is that it has nothing to do with flowers. Nothing at all. My avatar is [[color:black:l]][[color:grey:a]][[color:black:m]][[color:grey:e]] and all because it was the best thing I had on hand. It's a thumbnail from my Sims game. I'm mostly here on weekends due to lack of time during the rest of the week. If I sound really immature, that's because I am. Most of the time.

... Dude, why is there [[color:blue:blue]] paint on the ceiling?

Vandalism, is, of course, welcome! Also, feel free to apply tropes to me in the same folder as the ones I set myself. PM me if you want, because it's [[color:red:F]][[color:blue:U]][[color:green:N]] to recieve them.



[[folder: Tropes that apply to me!]]
* This is a work in progress. It is severely lacking.
* CloudCuckooLander
* TinyTyrannicalGirl . I am very short. It gets annoying.
* WrenchWench

[[folder: Things I like!]]
* Cats, mainly of the squee variety.
* Dogs, the friendly kind.
* Video games.
* Reading. There's a reason why my eyes are so bad.
* Sims games, namely TheSims2 and TheSims3 .
* Chocolate, especially truffles.
* This site.
* Shiny thin- ooooh!
* Popcorn. Namely, white cheddar popcorn
* [[color:red:C]][[color:orange:o]][[color:yellow:l]][[color:green:o]][[color:blue:r]][[color:purple:s]]. Was that the colors of the rainbow? I'm too lazy to check.
** Namely, [[color:blue:blue]].
* Saying "Dude". I don't know why.
* Fluffy things.
* Hot guys.
* Movie theaters.
* Cold pillows.
* Heavy blankets. I sleep under a pile of four blankets every night.
* Strawberries.
* Potatoes.

[[folder: Things I hate]]
* Condenscending people.
* The words "globule", "bubonic", "nasal", and "lynch".
* Forgetting things.
* My suckish eyesight. I need new glasses but can't afford them.
* Crowds.
* Tight spaces.
* Elevators. They break down so much in fiction that I developed a fear of them at an early age.
* Cold. Which is why I take thirty minutes to get out of bed.
* Late fall to late spring. I hate any temperature below fifty.
* Snow.
* Dampness on my body.
* Text codes not working.
* ICING. The cake kind. It's solid ickyness.

[[folder: Vandalism]]
Please keep it clean.

* Well, I guess i'm gonna have a first go at it, eh. So, how about that chocolate, fancy-princess? -@/{{Tropers/OrangeSpider}}
* Now, it is your duty as a troper to go forth and vandalize as many people as possible... or is that just what I do? - @/StolenByFaeries
* What @/StolenByFaeries said. Go forth and vandalize! - @/KarlKadaver
