27-year old psych-anth double major finally headed for grad school, who spends what's "generally" considered way too much time on the internet and way too little time...well, socializing. Not a big fan of the real-time communication--although I am improving.

Watches a lot of TV--particularly TV on the internet. Favorite shows includine ''TheSimpsons'', ''SouthPark'', ''KingOfTheHill'', ''RockosModernLife'', ''{{Dexter}}'', ''MadMen'', ''TheBigBangTheory'', ''ThirdRockFromTheSun'', and ''WhateverHappenedToRobotJones?'' If anyone else remembers that show, that is.

Loves the Chuck Jones-produced movie version of ''The Phantom Tollbooth,'' and thinks the movie, ''The Elm-Chanted Forest'' should be a cult classic.

Loves conworlds and conlangs, and creative writing. When there is a second of free time to spare.

Responsible for launching the tropes NobodyPoops, AdultsDressedAsChildren, ScienceFair, ThisTroper, HairColorDissonance, LisaNeedsBraces, BackToSchool, CelebrityVoiceActor, and NoInfantileAmnesia. This particular troper used to lurk/contribute a lot to the YKTTW section of TV Tropes Wiki.