Hey, looks like you found the Tropers page for me! :) Being a troper is awesome. You can't "live" online and not be a part of this wiki.
But back to me, I'm a teenage girl who happens to "live on the internet." I'm been a part my many a fandom...

Check me out on other sites:
[[http://codythemaverick.tumblr.com/ First and foremost, check my tumblr. It says more about me than this site ever will.]]

[[http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1717532/ FF.net]]

[[http://www.youtube.com/CodyTheMaverick YouTube]]

!!Films and such that I'm a fan of:
* WreckItRalph
* MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic
* HappyFeet
* SurfsUp
* CloudyWithAChanceOfMeatballs
* Anything by DreamworksAnimation
* Pretty much anything animated.
!!Some of my favorite tropes:

* AwardBaitSong-Come on, I'm a 'sucker' for 'em.
* RageAgainstTheReflection-I'm an even bigger sucker for this. To be honest, even if a character just sees their reflection in gereral without slapping it makes me all happy...