Alright, I think it's about time I give [[{{Tropers/Cedi}} my]] trope page a (hopefully) less n00b-ish makeover.

So yeah, [[MostTropersAreYoungNerds like most tropers]], I'm into various forms of fiction. My interests were mostly VideoGames and WesternAnimation when I was too young for you guys to care about, but now I also like {{Anime}} and some literature. I'm also into roleplaying, fan/original art, and fan/original fiction. Although I mostly look up the art and write the fiction, I do read other fan/original fics and (A long time ago, and the only time I actually DID try such) I tried just a little bit of spriting, the only product of that being my current avatar for the fora here. Yeah, it's crappy, but it was my first try.

But you're not here for that, are you? My tropes are in the folder below.

[[folder: Tropes that describe Cedi]]
* ApologizesALot : I'm sorry, but no matter how little I might do so on this page, I do it VERY often when roleplaying and in real life.
* AttentionWhore : I'll admit, I can be one at times. How often and how much of one, I might be better off not knowing myself.
* AuthorAvatar : I tend to include one in all of my stories and any RP I join or make.
* BrilliantButLazy: Or at least, I like to think I'm brilliant. I generally get good grades in RealLife, and I have plenty of ideas for roleplays, fan fiction, or whatever, but I very rarely actually GET to writing said ideas. And if I DO write them... well, let me explain it [[labelnote:this way]] I DID have the info on an original fic I was writing below my tropes, but I erased that part from this page because it's DeadFic at this point[[/labelnote]].
* BrutalHonesty : What I prefer to say over a comforting lie. Naturally, this has come to bite me in the rear when it's more brutal than honorable...
* DeadpanSnarker : Not ALL the time, but I'm prone to give sarcasm occasionally.
* GoshDarnItToHeck : I'm prone to using such in the place of actual swear words, it's how I was raised. [[SubvertedTrope Except whenever I'm quoting someone else, or...]]
* PrecisionFStrike : *Puts on Smartass Glasses* ... whenever I do that. But only because it's the only word I can think of whenever I'm describing ''my own smartassery'' as I go into something else in detail. Case in point.
* ProudToBeAGeek : Well, MostTropersAreYoungNerds, so I dare you to find one troper who proudly [[DefiedTrope defies]] this one.
* YouGottaHaveBlueHair : Not in real life, but practically my motto in fiction. If I CAN have blue hair in any game with CharacterCustomization, I WILL have blue hair. Unless it's a free MMO that [[AllegedlyFreeGame makes you pay for it]].

Insert vandalism here. ~Yours Truly