Hi there, welcome to my rebooted troper page.

First, an introduction: My name is Jesse, I'm 27 years old, and I live in Seattle, Washington. I'm a part-time writer, part-time gamer, part-time troper, and part-time reader...and when I'm not doing that, I work full-time at a thrift store.

!! Here are some tropes that I've launched:

* PlatoIsAMoron
* FormerFriendOfAlphaBitch
* CantBelieveISaidThat
* AmnesiaMissedASpot
* ImpliedDeathThreat
* CovertDistressCode
* GladHesOnOurSide

!! Tropes that apply to me:

* AppointmentTelevision: ''Series/PrettyLittleLiars'', ''Series/AgentsOfSHIELD'', ''Series/TheFlash2014'', and ''Series/{{The 100}}''.
* UsefulNotes/AspergersSyndrome: Well, given my [[SelfDeprecation unimaginative]] choice of troper names, that's kind of a given.
* BunnyEarsLawyer: I'm reasonably smart, a good student, a good employee, and a decent writer, but I'm also known for listening to music and singing in public.
* CaptainObvious: Sometimes.
* CatchPhrase: "If you say so."
* CelebrityCrush: Victoria Justice, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Eliza Dusku.
* CelibateHero: Yes on the celibate, [[SelfDeprection no on the hero]].
* CursedWithAwesome: My view on Asperger's Syndrome.
* DoesNotLikeShoes
* EmbarassingFirstName: [[SubvertedTrope Subverted]]. I was going to be named Raymond McQueed, but when I was put up for adoption, so I got named something.
* GenreSavvy: I correctly guessed that [[Series/PrettyLittleLiars Mona Vanderwaal was A]], [[Series/{{Elementary}} Irene Adler was Moriarity]], and that [[Series/ScreamTVSeries Audrey Jensen was involved in the Ghostface killings.]]
* InsistentTerminology: '''[[BerserkButton Never]]''' call Asperger's a disease. It's a ''condition.''
* MistakenForRacist: Once at the store where I work, because apparently customers think that I have the time and inclination to notice their skin color.
* NiceGuy: I try.
* NiceHat: I have a handmade replica of Naoto Shirogane's hat from Persona 4.
* OldShame: See PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy.
* PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy: I had an unfortunate "white rapper" phase in high school, which I have since grown out of.
* ProudToBeAGeek: Yep.
* SelfDeprecation: My preferred form of humor.
* WritingByTheSeatOfYourPants: Pretty much my M.O.
* YouGottaHaveBlueHair: [[SubvertedTrope Subverted.]] I tried to dye my hair in blue in high school, but was unsuccessful.

!! My completed works or works in process:

* ''Memento Mori'' written under my real name (Jesse Schoedel). Available on Amazon and CreateSpace.
* ''The Book Jumper'' written under my pen name (Scott Coulson). A work in progress.

!! Tropes used in my work:

* BigBadFriend: [[spoiler: The antagonist of ''Memento Mori'' turns out to be the main character's best friend.]]
* {{Bookworm}}: Caitlin Myles, the protagonist of ''The Book Jumper'', loves her books.
* ConvenientlyAnOrphan: Caitlin Myles again. Her parents are killed in a car accident while she's in juvenile detention, forcing her to go live with her uncle and her cousin.
* EasyAmnesia: [[AvertedTrope Averted]] in ''MementoMori''. The main character spends most of the novel having no clue who she is or why anyone would want be stalking her. Her memory comes back slowly and only in response to various stimuli.
* IntrepidFictioneer: Caitlin Myles again. She can travel into the world of any book.
* JustGotOutOfJail: Caitlin Myles at the beginning of ''The Book Jumper''.
* PortalBook: Caitlin Myles can make any book into one of these.

!! Some things I like:

* Music/BonJovi
* Music/FleetwoodMac
* Music/KaceyMusgraves
* ''Series/OnceUponATime''
* ''Series/TheFlash2014''
* ''Series/AgentsOfSHIELD''
* ''Series/PrettyLittleLiars''
* ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyX''
* ''Franchise/MarvelCinematicUniverse''