A Random Internet Stranger.

Notes to self: (Also, organize by reading reasons, acquisition and progress by next Sunday)

Manga Reading List:
* Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer

Literary Reading List:
* WarAndPeace (Acquired, Chp 1, reading)
* AtlasShrugged (No source)
* NineteenEightyFour (Source found, acquisition not done)
* TheDresdenFiles (Acquired, Book 12, reading)

Fanfic Reading List:
* Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. (Chp 31, awaiting update)
* Luminosity. (Chp 4, awaiting update)
* Tiberium Wars (Chp 1, reading)
* Shinji and Warhammer 40k (Chp 5, reading)
* MyImmortal (Chp 9, on hold)

Webcomic Reading List:
* Dresden Codak (Awaiting update)
* Chirault (Page 12_20)
* The Meek (Awaiting update)
* Erfworld (Awaiting update)
* Order of the Stick (Awaiting update)
* anti-HEROES (Awaiting update)
* Winters in Lavelle (Awaiting update)
* Fey Winds (Awaiting update)
* Misfile (Awaiting update)
* Errant Story (Awaiting update)
* Guilded Age (Awaiting update)
* Sequential Art (Awaiting update)
* Dominic Deegan (Starting binge)
* Head Trip (Awaiting update)
* Servants of the Imperium (Awaiting update)
* Zap! (Awaiting update)
* Darths and Droids (Awaiting update)
* Ever After (Awaiting update)
* Looking For Group (Awaiting update)

Games to play:
* Dragon Age: Origins (Mage, Arcane Warrior/Bloodmage/Battlemage, lack GFX card)
* Quake 4 (Captain, difficulty spike)
* Runes of Magic (M/K 16/16, need better GFX card)
* Ex3 Showdown (Sat/Sun 10-12 PM. Wait for Piches.)
* La Tale (Mining occassionally)
* Torchlight (Play Nether Mage/Demonologist/Warlock, download Stone Brother)
* Mass Effect (Need better GFX card and weapon overheat bugfix)
* Civilization 4 (Install)