* DevelopmentHell: The fic last updated in June 2017; [[http://sysrestoreblog.tumblr.com/post/168377279023/is-sr-dead-its-been-quite-a-long-while-since-any according to a blog post,]] this is due to a combination of author [=CarthagoDelenda=] having very little time to write after getting a more demanding day job and being unsure how to deliver on the climax she set up. Though according to a November 2019 post, [[https://sysrestoreblog.tumblr.com/post/189182333698/im-hoping-one-day-youll-come-back-and-finish she still wants to finish it.]]
* MissingEpisode: Chapter 3, Part 5, in which, among other things, [[spoiler:Souda gets the despair fever and wears Sonia's clothing]], was controversial enough for the author to remove and rework it.
* WhatCouldHaveBeen: When the second chapter's murder was still going to match what happened in ''VisualNovel/Danganronpa2GoodbyeDespair'', [[spoiler:Kuzuryu was planned to have been the second murder victim in chapter three]] [[MythologyGag (like he was in the earlier stages of the game's development before they decided to swap him and Saionji)]]. Since [[spoiler:Koizumi]] survived, this was changed to be [[spoiler:Kazuichi instead, before phasing out the second murder in the chapter entirely]].