* KeepCirculatingTheTapes: The show has never seen a proper DVD release. The series used to be available on {{Creator/Hulu}} and iTunes, but it's been taken down from both.
* PlayingAgainstType: Creator/{{Jim Cummings|1952}} as Moloch, a reserved evil businessman whose voice rarely goes above a quiet, CreepyMonotone.
* ProductionPosse: Creator/CharlieAdler, Creator/{{Jim Cummings|1952}}, Creator/JeffBennett, and Creator/KathSoucie all followed Doug Langdale from ''WesternAnimation/EarthwormJim''; the latter two followed Langdale to ''WesternAnimation/TheWeekenders''.
* ScrewedByTheNetwork: The series lasted just 13 episodes not because of ratings issues, but because CBS tried to pass it around as an EdutainmentShow when the new requirements for such programming kicked in the following year. The FCC didn't buy it.