* Spoony's storyline, where even through the hamminess, you can tell he's terrified of losing himself.
* The Cinema Snob's banishment, with even the ''[[UnableToCry Chick]]'' tearing up.
* The Critic/Ma-Ti scene, with the mix of Critic desperately wanting to go home, but not wanting to lose power.
** "...a president has no friends."
* Santa Christ's death. Sure, he resurrects after three days, but still.
** Critic's reaction: his face falls into the most heartbreakingly broken expression you've ever seen from him.
* There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it one after Ask That Guy's cameo. After he closes the door, not helping like he did in the Brawl, Critic looks like he's going to cry.
** If you listen closely, you can make out that he says 'no' in a disbelieving/terrified tone.
* Critic sadly looking back on Baugh's house at the end.
* Possibly, Benzaie's goodbye to Beary in Part 2. Though Beary's death doesn't last long.
* Angry Joe's downhearted reaction to Linkara saying he doesn't like him.
