[[caption-width-right:350:"There may be someone out there that can comprehend the true meaning behind Chirico's revival. Is losing his loved ones, and furthermore being forced to wander alone in this unforgiving world truly Chirico's "destiny"? No one knows the answer to that question. No, only Chirico himself, perhaps..."]]

* The original's theme song for one. Most are usually an upbeat, hot-blooded ImageSong exhorting the protagonists to keep on fighting the good fight. In ''VOTOMS'', it's about how much WarIsHell and Chirco has had enough of fighting.
** This distate for war also echoes in ''Shining Heresy'''s ending.
* [[AlasPoorVillain Ypsilon's death.]] From an infant and raised as mindless killing machine by the Secret Society in the first place. In Stage 3: Sunsa, and it's very ''hard'' to sympathy at the dying killing machine after dueling with Chirico Cuvie. Just before Chirico send a final blow on Ypsilon, Fyana deliberately shot Ypsilon to halt the duel. And tell to Chirico that he's a PS all the whole time!
* The deaths of the Barcoff squadron in ''Pailsen Files''. Which was then [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayezowZz52U reenacted]] in ''VideoGame/{{Super Robot Wars Z}}2: Hakai-Hen''.
* The death of Fyana at the end of ''Shining Heresy''.
* In ''Roots of Ambitions'', Carson's death during the battle of Sunsa. Especially considering he was Chirico's first friend when he joined the Shoulders.
* In the ''Pailsen Files'', the ending of each episode can count as one depending on how sentimental the viewer is. In addition to a bluesy song about a man who lost their friend and how he moves on knowing he'll meet him again after he dies, the song emphasizes the close comradery between soldiers with images showing such, and the loss when one of them dies. "Bye bye my brother" indeed.
* Pol Potaria's death at the second episode of Phantom Arc. After losing the woman he loved to war and seeing his country fall to chaos again, death seems to be sweet mercy after a bitter life.