[[caption-width-right:350:The ''Trashed'' set, which looks plenty trashed already.]]

->''"You didn't get two out of three right... WE'RE GONNA TRASH YOUR TV!!!"''
-->'''Chris Hardwick'''

Short-lived Creator/{{MTV}} GameShow in which contestants gambled their "prized possessions" for the chance to win better ones. Losers got to see theirs gloriously destroyed.

The main game was split into two rounds of questions, which were asked in skit format in a manner similar to ''Series/RemoteControl''. In each round, each team placed three personal items on the line for potential "trashing". The team in control selected one of the other team's items they wanted to see "trashed", at which point a category was revealed. Each category contained three buzz-in questions, and the defending team had to answer two out of three to save their possession from the hands of "Mark the Trasher", who would destroy it violently if they were unsuccessful. If the team saved their item, it could not be selected again, and that team then gained control and picked one of the opposing team's possessions for the next category.

The final round was the "Survival Round", in which each team had to sacrifice one of its own members for potential "trashing", while the other answered rapid-fire questions; losing the game meant public humiliation for the contestant in question, usually involving [[WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes one of the victim's phobias]]. The winners had a chance to take home the day's grand prize if each member could name the bands in three music videos described by the other.

''Trashed'' aired for 50 episodes, from February 14 to July 23, 1994.
!!GameShowTropes in use:
* BonusRound: One player had to identify artists in music videos being described by the other partner. Each player had to describe three videos; the time limit was 30 seconds, plus 5 for each possession saved, so potentially 60 seconds.
* ConfettiDrop: BonusRound winners were showered with confetti (and later [[SubvertedTrope trash]]) from a leaf blower.
* ConsolationPrize: Losers received somewhat of a {{Zonk}}, and in an inversion were required to sign up for 10 hours community service.
* CoveredInGunge: Some of the losers got covered in Gatorade, "tobacco spit", beer (some of it [[VomitIndiscretionShot regurgitated]]). This was occasionally used as a method of trashing items, such as soaking a prom dress in rancid bean dip.
* DoubleTheDollars: First-round questions were worth 50 points apiece, while second-round questions were worth 100.
* GoldenSnitch: Perfectly played, the most a team could lead after the first two rounds was 600-0; however the questions in the final SpeedRound were 150 points each and rapid-fire, with more than enough time to eclipse even this score. There was a distinct advantage to winning the first two rounds, though -- the more possessions a team saved, the more time they got in the BonusRound (if they made it that far).
* Personnel:
** TheAnnouncer
** GameShowHost: Chris Hardwick, who would later host ''Series/SingledOut'' opposite Jenny [=McCarthy=] and later Carmen Electra.
** LovelyAssistant: Andrea Wagner.
** StudioAudience
* PieInTheFace: Occasionally happened to a contestant getting "trashed" at the end of the game.
* PromotionalConsideration
* RulesSpiel: Parodied; the announcer would read the rules to the BonusRound at an [[RattlingOffLegal incomprehensibly fast speed]] while the complete legal version [[UnreadableDisclaimer scrolled up the screen at an even faster rate.]]
* SpeedRound: The Survival Round; 150 points per question for ''39'' seconds. No, that's not a typo.
!!This show contains examples of:
* CatchPhrase: "Loser." "Safety first." "You didn't lose a damn thing!"
* DontTryThisAtHome
* FlawlessVictory: Saving all of your possessions in the main game; it was the only way to receive the full 60 seconds in the BonusRound.
* ForcedToWatch: Main premise of the show.
* GrossoutShow: Some of the skits, and some of the "contestant trashings" at the end.
* {{Grunge}}: Everything about the show -- the theme music, the wardrobes, the set, you name it. This was [[TheNineties 1994]], after all.
* {{Jerkass}}: Mark the Trasher for certain, and Hardwick to an extent.
* NonstandardGameOver: Giving an illegal clue in the BonusRound, which eliminated that video from play.
* OneLastSmoke: Parodied. [[https://youtu.be/tIvgXpDRm_Y This commercial]] opens with a blindfolded teddy bear doing this before it gets cut up and torn apart, akin to an execution.
* SeriousBusiness: Some contestants became very visibly agonized over losing some of their possessions, even if they weren't worth much to begin with.
* ShoutOut: One trashing involved putting a contestant's clothing on ''WesternAnimation/BeavisAndButthead'' dolls before destroying it.
* StuffBlowingUp: And AnvilOnHead, and many other methods of gratuitous vandalism.
* TraumaticHaircut: The end result of one contestant putting his long blonde hair on the line for trashing.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Some of the "contestant trashings" were based on the victims' phobias.