
Creator/LouisCK's first show, ''Lucky Louie'' was {{Creator/HBO}}'s first [[ThreeCameras multi-camera]] {{sitcom|ic}} filmed in front of a live StudioAudience. Airing in 2006, and [[ShortRunners cancelled the same year]], Lucky Louie starred Louis C.K. as [[TheDanza Louie]], a [[DomCom lower-class husband and father and his family as they struggle through life in Boston.]]

A [[GenreThrowback throwback]] to the sitcoms Louis C.K. grew up with like ''Series/AllInTheFamily'', Lucky Louie emulates those shows by not being afraid of a [[BlackComedy frank]] and [[SlidingScaleOfIdealismVersusCynicism cynical view]] of life. Lucky Louie also differentiates itself from other modern sitcoms by airing on {{Creator/HBO}}, which means lots of [[ObligatorySwearing swearing]], BlackComedy, [[HotterAndSexier sex-based storylines]] and [[NakedPeopleAreFunny nudity]] ([[FanDisservice Male only though.]] [[WordOfGod Female nudity isn't funny]]).

!!''Lucky Louie'' contains examples of:

* AbortedArc: The first two episodes focus on Kim's desire to have a second baby. It's not mentioned again in the show's (admittedly short) run.
* AlliterativeTitle
* BlackComedy: Brought over from Louis C.K.'s stand up.
* BlackComedyRape: When Louie accidentally ends up in a confessional, he ends up telling the priest about a dream he had about being raped by a demon.
* CountryMatters: Louie gets in major trouble with Kim for using the word to describe her during a heated argument.
* {{Deconstruction}}: Of [[DomCom Dom Coms]] in general. This show does '''not''' pull any punches in its portrayal of married life and parenthood, PlayedForLaughs though it may be.
* DevilButNoGod: Apparently, Louie believes in Hell but not God.
* FriendsRentControl: Averted. The small apartment is quite realistic for a low-income household.
* HollywoodAtheist: Averted, Louie doesn't believe in god, but no real reason is given and he doesn't make a big deal about it.
* OverlyLongGag: The very first scene in the show:
-->Lucy: "Papa, can we play outside?"
-->Louie: "No."
-->Lucy: "Why?"
-->Louie: Because it's 5:00 in the morning. It's too early.
-->Cue Lucy asking "Why?" to everything Louie says, causing his subsequent explanations to gradually veer off in an unrelated direction
* StandardizedSitcomHousing: Intentionally averted. [[WordOfGod Louis C.K. said]] that he found other sitcom sets too complicated and mindfully sought a simple design for his set.
* TokenBlackFriend: Invoked. Louie wants Walter to like him in the Pilot. [[spoiler:It's because he thinks the lack of diversity in his daughter's life might have a negative effect.]]
* VocalDissonance: Louie is very surprised to find out he has been confessing to a black priest.
* WeWantOurJerkBack: Kim's response to Louie trying to act like a better husband after [[spoiler: Kim says she hates him.]]
