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So right, what exactly is ''Resonating Spirits''? Well, it began one day when a GameMaster on the [[Webcomic/SluggyFreelance sluggy.net]] forum pitched the idea of a ''Manga/FullmetalAlchemist''-based game {{IN SPACE}} as an ExtranormalInstitute! So quickly, a group of posters on the forum hopped on the chance and made a cast of characters and things went from there. While the game is subject to a slow schedule since all the players are going to college or just busy and, it has still been going on for three years and [[strike: doesn't look like it will stop soon.]] and is coming to an end, but may return in another form.

Immediately after the creation of the game, an OOC thread was formed for player chatter, general silliness and the occasional {{Omake}}. [[http://www.sluggy.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10756&p=341957#p341957 Here is a link to an archive of the game thus far]].

Here is a list of characters in the game and with a small description of them and some tropes they fall into.


[[folder: Player Characters: ]]

* Alex Ophen, Passion - A Homunculus character with the ability to change his flesh into fire and ice, and is quickly learning how to use these powers to break things down and make [[{{PureEnergy}} artificial Alchemy]].
* Benjamin (Ben), The Fluid Soul Alchemist - A Sealed Soul with a mysterious and half remembered past who takes the form of a suit of armor. He's able to fully fuse himself into solid object such as the ground and in extreme cases, other characters.
* Branden Ziel, The Burning Soul Alchemist - A Kyoushin with a non-elemental means of using Alchemy in the form of massive [[{{BattleAura}} white auras]] about him. He has a huge family and past and was not one of the original characters in RS.
* Caliga Enmu, Paranoia - Another Homunculus who has a massive [[{{SplitPersonality}} split personality]], in which one takes over for long periods of time. One is meek, one is strong, both can control his body and turn it into various gasses and plasma.
* Elias Neth, The Gate Crasher Alchemist - A Phoenix Kyoushin with an automail right arm. He carries a pet snake that is part of his power and can form [[{{PowerGivesYouWings}} wings of resonance]] when he uses his big attacks and collapses other characters powers around them.
* Jacob Kinde, The Deceitful Frame - A Hybrid character, half Homunculus and half alive. Jacob can fuse about anything with the dead parts of his body and use them as weapons. Jacob has the tendency to absorb a lot of [[{{MadeOfIron}} damage]].
* Nic King, Karma - The last Homunculus with the ability to make a [[{{MesACrowd}} clone puppet]] of himself. The puppet can then transform into other characters he's fought and absorbed bits of blood and DNA from, making him a well rounded character.
* Rai Scrimgore, The Harmonic Octave Alchemist - A small Kyoushin boy who holds incredible powers over [[{{LightningCanDoAnything}} lightning and thunder]] and is just learning how to control his split soul. Rai just recently found out he is a small part Chimera, an extremely rare mix with a Kyoushin.
* Rojo Rockbell, The Flowing Scribe Alchemist - A Ishvalan boy who hated Alchemy when starting at CORE but is now the most accomplished master of neutralizing any and all alchemist effects in the school. His [[{{AwesomenessByAnalysis}} ability to analyze]] and turn a situation on it's head is second to none.
* Xerin Barga, The Soaring Fang Alchemist - The group's super powered badass wolf/falcon chimera. What is there to say about Xerin, except that he can kick your ass, will kick your ass, and send you footage of your ass getting kicked to show you why you got your ass kicked, complete with unforgiving, audio commentary.
** Tends strongly towards [[{{Jerkass}} Jerkass]] behavior in the eyes of other characters, though.

%%* AbusiveParents: Xerin's father and Ethan's slew of foster families.
* AccidentalPervert: Rojo has not [[strike: once but twice]] three times completely vaporized female character's clothing. (The first time it ended up stopping a brutal rivalry battle and the girl has ended up being Rojo's girlfriend.) The third incident left an entire team naked.
%%* AchillesHeel: Blood seals for Sealed Souls and physical remains for Homunculi.
* ActionMom: Ethan's mom was fighting on the front lines before getting captured
* AdultsAreUseless: Averted. Multiple times the teachers have come to rescue the students.
%%* AntiMagic: Rojo's personal style of alchemy
* ArtificialLimbs: Automail arms, again an element from the series this game was based on. Several characters have automail.
%%* AwesomeByAnalysis: How Rojo's gets his [[AntiMagic Null alchemy]] to work.
%%* BadassBookworm: Rojo and Caliga
%%* BadassFamily: The Rockbells and Ziels.
%%* BigBad: Chaos
%%* BloodyMurder: Xeno
%%* BodySnatcher: The higher end of Johnny's powers
* BornWinner: Only people born with the ability can learn alchemy, with the Kyoushin being even better than normal.
* ChuckCunninghamSyndrome: What ever happened to Ethan?
* BunnyEarsLawyer: CORE is willing to let all kinds of eccentricities slide as long as students get results.
%%* CainAndAbel: Tom and his siblings
* CatGirl: Geno, Terra and Myrcial who is a rare catboy.
* CerebusSyndrome[=/=]GrowingTheBeard: The story became more serious once it was revealed that the class was being trained as soldiers for a far off war.
%%* CharacterDevelopment: Everyone. Usually in the form of them confronting whatever emotional baggage they had when they came to CORE and dealing with it.
* ChekhovsSkill: Xeno's ability to make golems hinted at his ability to make clones of himself
* ChildSoldiers: CORE exists to train alchemists to serve as soldiers in the war with SCAR. Luckily the students mostly fall under the precociously talented sub type.
* CodeName: Everybody second year and above as a code name. Alchemists are dubbed The _____ Alchemist with some title relevant to their abilities. Homunculi are give titles based on an emotion and hybrids are given a combo name.
%%* CombatCommentator: The teachers lapse into this whenever there is a battle
* TheCombatPragmatist: The main class goes for the kill in their fights.
%%* CombatTentacles - Elias likes to use these to pull apart opponents and alchemy.
* DeathByOriginStory: All the Homunculi in the main group had their deaths in the backstory
%%* DeathGlare: Fess constantly uses this to keep Tom in line
* DeathIsASlapOnTheWrist: Homunculi and Hybrids will revive moments after being killed.
%%* DesertedIsland: The Island Arc
%%* DisappearedDad: Elias's father.
%%* TheDragon: Xeno
%%* DrunkenMaster: Mary
%%* DysfunctionJunction
%%* TheEmpath: Kurt
%%* ElementalRockPaperScissors: There, but not really a big deal
%%* EleventhHourSuperpower: The class had their Dual Resonance flare during the Xeno fight.
%%* EmpathicWeapon - REAPERS
%%* EquivalentExchange: This game is based on Manga/FullmetalAlchemist after all!
* EvolvingAttack: As the game progresses the characters continue to refine their signature techniques
* EvolvingWeapon: REAPERS are supposed to grow with their creators over time
* {{Expy}}- Oh, let's just take a look at some of the [=NPCs=]:
** Mary Illyana is super strong and hyper competent while drunk? Remind anyone of a certain [[Manga/{{Naruto}} Ninja]]?
** Anna shifts her bones into weapons. She is a reference to either [[Manga/{{Naruto}} Kimimaro]] or [[ComicBook/XMen Marrow]].
** Harley Cobura is a snake chimera and uses vectors as her weapons like a certain [[Manga/SoulEater witch named Medusa]].
** Bane and Shin seem an awful lot like two members or [[Franchise/HarryPotter Slytherin House]]...
** Terra's powers are a lot like a [[Manga/{{Naruto}} Sound Ninja]] whose name escapes me.
** Nicoleis alchemy works a lot like the Alters from ''Anime/SCryEd''.
* ExtranormalInstitute: CORE is a sort of cross between SuperheroSchool and WizardingSchool
%%* FairyCompanion: Jacob's PET Dita.
* FirstEpisodeResurrection: Elias became an alchemist after dying once in a fire accident
%%** Most of the Homunculi characters count as well.
%%* FourIsDeath: Chaos' four Holy Knights
* FunctionalMagic: Alchemy is a combination of Inherent Gift, Force Magic and Rule Magic. Drives also add on Device Magic
%%* FunWithAcronyms: Several characters even lampshade CORE's love of these.
%%* FusionDance: Done by Ben and Jacob with heavy lampshading
%%* GenkiGirl: Nicole
* GeniusLoci: CORE itself is a giant Sealed Soul for one of its students
%%* GlowingEyesOfDoom: Kyoushin tend to display this when they are angry
* GreenRocks: Alchemy can do pretty much whatever the plot requires
* GrievousHarmWithABody: Xerin's decision to use Tiffany as a club.
* HalfHumanHybrid: Chimeras are humans fused with animals and Hybrids are part homunculus to a degree.
%%* HealingFactor: Homunculi and Hybrids are really hard to kill
%%* HealingHands: Paige and later Branden
* HighPressureEmotion - Alex has a distressing tendency to ignite when enraged.
%%* AnIcePerson: Initially just Tom, but Alex later learned to do this too.
* IncendiaryExponent: Alex sets himself on fire!
%%* IndyPloy: Every single fight. Granted characters rarely have foreknowledge of who they are up against, but hey.
* InheritanceOfAcquiredTraits: The Ether technique runs in the Tirande bloodline.
%%* IntangibleMan: Tiberous
%%* {{Keet}}: Tiberous
%%* KillSat: CORE itself
%%* LargeHam: Ben and Branden
%%* LukeIAmYourFather: Taikyo turned out to be Ethan's father.
%%** Dominic Scrimgore, anyone?
* MagicalGesture: Clapping hands activates Gate alchemy
%%* MagicKnight: The whole cast
%%* MagicMisfire: Echos
* MagicWand: A lot of alchemists build drives to augment their alchemy instead of building straight out weapons.
%%* {{Magitek}}: Drives allow for all sorts of neat applications of alchemy
%%* {{Mana}}: Resonance
%%* MasterOfIllusion: Caliga and David
%%* MeaningfulName: The whole Ziel family. Just translate from Dutch
* MetaOrigin: The ability to use alchemy is derived from a resonating soul.
%%* MindOverMatter: Branden's Crystal Resonance
%%* MissingMom: Played straight initially with Rai and Ethan, but later subverted when we learn that their mothers are being held captive by enemies.
%%* {{Muggles}}
* NightmareDreams: Jacob has a tendency to have horrible nightmares about his past. To the point that for the last 6 months (in game) he has been wearing a device to suppress all dreaming activity in his brain. It makes him a bit fragile, mentally. But hey, its better than having dreams about people dissecting you.
* TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou: The main cast are the only people who can legitimately go after Xeno.
* OurGhostsAreDifferent: The ghost itself is a manifestation of a student whose soul was bonded to the ship.
%%* OrganicTechnology: Rojo's drive ADAM and Elias' drive Hebi.
* OrphanedSeries - Now officially over due to lack of interest after one SeriesHiatus too many
* ParentalFavoritism: Alex's parents started to care about his sister more after he became a homunculus
* PersonalityPowers: Character's techniques are usually based at least in part on their personalities
%%* PlayingWithFire: Alex, Elias, and Tiffany
* PowerGivesYouWings: Alex stores energy for his artificial alchemy in the form of three fiery rainbow wings.
%%**Elias and his resonance membranes.
* PowerGlows: Resonance gives off a glow when alchemy is performed.
%%* ThePowerOfRock: Phase
%%* PowerTattoo: Flow Tattoos
%%* PresidentEvil: Xeno is on his way to becoming this, as he replaces the government with clones
* PsychoactivePowers: Chimera's have to be in a certain state of mind to [[SuperMode shift]]
%%* PsychoElectro: Bane, Rai and Shin have hints of this at times
* PutOnABus: Myrcial snapped under the pressure, Paige went to take care of her Dad and Simon got sick.
* RecycledInSPACE: Was initially pitched as Manga/FullmetalAlchemist in SPACE!!
* RePower: Fess used to focus on deconstruction alchemy before she became a Phoenix Kyoushin.
* RetCon: Several characters had bits added to their backstory during the group VisionQuest
%%* TheReveal: Tom does these a lot
* ReversePolarity - Alex learning how to drain heat rather than creating it, giving him ice powers.
%%* RobbingTheCrusoe: Tom's class was pitted against Banes class on the Island.
%%* RuleOfCool: embraced by the players and GM with full force
%%* MesACrowd: Nic's puppets
* ScrewTheRulesIHavePlot - On a meta level, Rojo's player. Every single one of his plans is more or less a flagrant rule abuse designed at forcing the GM in to RP battles instead of mechanics battles, where he is assured victory.
** Probably the most outrageous example of this is a current work in progress. It's really huge and complicated, but the end result is transforming the enemy team's big tornado of death in to a Wave Motion Gun fired back at them by combining the talents and equipment of the class. There is no rule that says this is possible, and it has even caused Caliga's player a bit of mental anguish that had to be handwaved away by Rojo's player assuring him that resonance is just [[Anime/TengenToppaGurrenLagann Spiral Energy.]]
* ShapeshifterWeapon: Hommunculi in general and others.
** Nic can turn his hands into human sized puppets and other weapons.
** Xerin transmutes his feathers.
** Jacob transmutes the metal on his bones.
** Caliga transmutes his body into poisons and plasma.
** Elias' resonance membranes count since they can't leave his body
%%* ShockAndAwe: Bane, Rai and Shin.
* ShoutOut: Lets just say that most of the players watch anime and Anime/TengenToppaGurrenLagann is a group favorite.
%%* SixthRanger: Ben and later Branden.
%%* SoulJar: Sealed Souls
%%* SpiritAdvisor - Every student got one during their VisionQuest
%%* SpiritBomb: The Null Sword
%%* SplitPersonality: Caliga and Elliot who have switched dominancy of their body a couple times.
%%** Lupe and Rose did this too before Lupe won the SplitPersonalityTakeover
* SpotlightStealingSquad - What happens when three players love their characters so much they each end up trying to wrestle control of the spotlight away from the others at an almost constant basis? Rai, Rojo, and Xerin, that's what.
%%* SquishyWizard: Simon, Rai and Branden. Mostly Pure Blood Kyoushin
* StepfordSmiler: Elias covered up his old guilt and self loathing with manic energy until he was forced to deal with it.
%%* SuperMode: Chimera's shifts and Dual Resonance flares
* SwissArmySuperpower: The applications of alchemy are limited only by the alchemists' imagination and their player's ability to back it up with TechnoBabble.
%%* TheSyndicate: Name of a criminal organization on Crystalis
* TangledFamilyTree: The Scrimonger family tree. Rai was conceived by a union of his mother Harmony and Dominic Scrimgore, Bane’s EvilTwin. Alicia is a clone of Harmony and Rai's aunt. Bane had Tiberous with an unnamed woman.
%%* TechnoBabble - And how!
* {{Technopath}}: Johnny does this by literally fusing with machines
* TeleportersAndTransporters: CORE uses a series of alchemist tubes for rapid transit.

* TokenGirl: Paige was the only girl in the main class before she got PutOnABus.
%%* TrainingFromHell: '''Everyone'''
* TransformationTrauma: Some of the Homunculi have very painful metamorphs
%%* TrueCompanions
%%* {{Tykebomb}}- All the students
* UnstoppableRage: Xerin has [[TheBerserker worked it into his fighting style]] while Alex used to slip into these.
* VisionQuest: Everyone had to go through one to get their Dual Resonance to stabilize.
%%* VoluntaryShapeshifting: Homunculi settle for this in lieu of alchemy.
* WeaselMascot - Hebi fits this despite being a snake.
* WeCanRebuildHim: Tom and Fess has significant portions of their bodies rebuilt by Garrin Rockbell.
* WhatHaveIBecome: Sealed Souls and Homunculi often have trouble dealing with their change.
* WhatMeasureIsANonHuman: Completely subverted at CORE, where everyone is treated equally regardless of their humanity.
* WingedHumanoid: Xerin with weaponized PerpetualMolt
%%* WiseBeyondTheirYears: Every. Single. Student.
* YoungestChildWins: Tom was the good child while his older brother and sister are evil.
%%* YouFightLikeACow: Ben and Elias resort to this in combat.