Candace and Vanessa's dry cleaning are switched, Doofenshmirtz tries to build his own private country while Perry is laid up from injuries, and Phineas and Ferb attempt to create a giant rainbow for Isabella. The accidental clothing swap symbolizes the fact that most of the episode reverses the usual tropes - this time around instead of Candace trying to bust Phineas and Ferb to Linda, Vanessa is trying to bust Doofenshmirtz and Norm to Charlene. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb build an -inator that inadvertently causes Doof's invention to disappear before Charlene can see it.
* AbortedArc: After this episode, we never again see Vanessa attempt to bust her father for being evil. Instead, she gets some well-deserved CharacterDevelopment so that she is not simply "Goth Candace". This culminates in the SeriesFinale when [[spoiler:she calls out her father for his rather feeble attempts at being evil, suggesting that he is only doing it out of obligation to his HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood, not from his heart.]]
* BrickJoke: When Doof sings Doofania's anthem, he feels "like it stops too quickly" and decides to work on it. During the ending credits, he comes up with a new version for the anthem and says the stopping still bothers him.
* BorrowedCatchphrase: Due to the unusual role-switching for the episode, Doofenshmirtz and Norm use Phineas and Isabella's phrases ("I know what we're gonna do today", "What'cha doooin'?" and "Oh, there you are, Perry"), while Phineas uses Doofenshmirtz's phrases ("Behold, the (noun)-inator!" and "The entire Tri-State Area!"). Phineas also says "Bless you, Perry the Platypus!" in the manner of Doofenshmirtz's "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!" when Perry sneezes.
* CharacterDevelopment: Norm shows some signs of sentience in this episode, even though a majority of his lines are still stock phrases.
* ClothingSwitch: Vanessa and Candace wear each others' signature outfits, thanks to a mix up at the dry cleaners. Neither is happy about it.
* ConeOfShame: Perry has to wear one of these to prevent him from licking his patches. Unfortunately, it is an inconvenience to him as he cannot enter his lair without the cone getting in the way.
* ContinuityNod: Monogram mumbles the [[Recap/PhineasAndFerbFlopStarz "Gitchee Gitchee Goo"]] song to himself as he waits for Perry the Platypus to attend his briefing. At one point, Carl even joins in.
-->'''Monogram''': Mow mow mow, an' my heart starts pumpin'. / Chicka-chicka-choo-wop. / Never gonna stop...
-->'''Monogram and Carl''': Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you.
-->'''Monogram''': I work alone, Carl.
-->'''Carl''': Sorry, sir.
-->'''Monogram''': It's a solo.
* FacePalm: Doof does it two times; one, when Norm is hiding behind a pole, and two, when he reveals himself while playing hide and seek.
* HiddenInPlainSight:
** On the cereal box for Fruity Rainbow Flakes, a tiny unicorn can be barely visible just under the rainbow on the far right, almost off the edge. Isabella points this out when she reveals she didn't actually see a unicorn, and Phineas quips that's completely different.
** Also, never play hide and seek with Norm. He gives himself away instantly every time.
* ModelPlanning: Doofenshmirtz makes a plush model of Doofania. When asked why, he says, "I had a lot of felt".
* OneTwoSkipAFew: While Doof is playing hide and seek with Norm, when they start over he starts to count to three, then skips right to ten.
* OrbitalShot: Doofenshmirtz has one during the Doofania anthem.
* PoorCommunicationKills: Isabella tries to tell Phineas that she has already seen a rainbow and hasn't seen a unicorn, but she keeps getting interrupted until after the Rainbow-Inator goes off.
-->'''Phineas''': Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do [[SubvertedCatchphrase tomorrow]].
* RoleSwapPlot: The entire episode has swapped the episode's storyline:
** The episode begins at D.E.I., where Doofenshmirtz tells Norm he knows what they're gonna do today.
** Candace and Vanessa's clothes are swapped, indicating that each other assumes the role of whoever's wardrobe they're wearing.
** Perry is unable to visit Doofenshmirtz because of the ConeOfShame preventing him from entering his lair (basically trapping him), like he is absent from Phineas and Ferb during a regular episode.
** Norm says "What'cha dooooin'?" as Doofenshmirtz is working on his project, and notes that he's a "little ''old''" to be building a fort.
** Instead of Candace trying to bust her brothers, Vanessa is trying to bust her dad. She even goes "But, but, but..." when the project disappears.
** Vanessa is shown talking to her friend Lacie, like how Candace talks to Stacy.
** Phineas and Ferb build the inator of the day, not Doofenshmirtz. Phineas also says "...the entire Tri-State Area!", right down to the same arm movements.
** Instead of Doof's inator destroying the Big Idea, it's the other way around. The Big Idea also has Doofenshmirtz's occasional self-destruct button and is stopped by Perry (albeit accidentally).
** Phineas says "Bless you, Perry the Platypus!", in the manner of Doofenshmirtz's "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!".
** When Perry meets up with Doofenshmirtz, he says "Oh, there you are, Perry the Platypus" like how Phineas does when Perry returns.
* ShoutOut:
** Doof refers to Doofania as his own little "[[ComicBook/{{Superman}} fortress of eviltude]]".
** The titular song is parodied after the Freedonia national anthem in ''Film/DuckSoup''.
* SwappedRoles: The entire purpose of the episode.
* TeamRocketWins: In the flashback scene, Doofenshmirtz actually manages to defeat and injure Perry the Platypus.
* VocalEvolution: Ferb's voice has gotten much deeper, sounding more like a mid-teenaged boy, due to Thomas Sangster experiencing puberty during production.
->''[[TheStinger You know, the stopping is still bothering me.]]''