A quiet day in Tokyo 1981 is torn asunder of a Giant Flying machine flies by Breaks into a jewelry store and using its Robotic appendages nabs and places all the Treasure in its body and flies away to parts unknownleaving a card meanwhile in a unknown Location where Lupin,Jigen,and Goemon are watching the news broadcast the Robot's rampage with the Driver of machine. The Gang reforms Her that all they want is for the Government to Fear the machine and discontinue it's production. meanwhile in the Tokyo police Force Detective Koichi Zenigata is Given the case because of Lupin,s involvement and given info on the machine funded by negata industries and its inventors Mr oyamada and Maki oyamada (the Driver) that Mr oyamada died year ago and making who is missing. Zenigata who is very interested in the case Hurries off! The military however seeks to Destroy it at all coast! now stationed at Tokyo The machine attacks the military however also counters resulting in endangering civilians However Zenigata rescues a child from danger while the machine save the other Zenigata chases the robot on Motorcycle before being knocked out he later wakes up tied up in the care of Maki oyamda the Driver of the machine she gives him so coffee to drink Zenigata however calls her out for putting people and danger and calls her a murderer maki who breaks down exclaiming she didn't want people hurt gives him the information in her father Mr ooyamada a brilliant inventor along with his only daughter they however needed funding so they Turned to the Security Tycoon Mr negata who funded th machines they saved many lives Negata however only saw them as a means of profit realising his mistake Mr oyamada tried to stop him but died leaving maki to finish his work of destroying what they created Lupin III however hears Zenigata tells him he isn't Lupin because he lacks a scar on his butt but Lupin insists he has it. Zenigata revealing it was a lie to bait and oute the imposter Negata Jr Negata's own son! the mastermind was behind the Thefts using maki to pilot and lupin as a scapegoat since he wasn't satisfied with his revenue he plans on selling them to unsavoury groups for profit the machines which are government property he couldn't sell legally they now leave Zenigata to die in the building which is set to explode and kidnap maki just before Zenigata tells her that she isn't a murderer they plant the bomb and it exploded Zenigata who escaped in the nick of time runs to see the robot fly back to Negata inc
Back at Negata industries the villain pays his minions and intends them to Become Deguise as gruillas in Africa next Zenigata who is revealed to be the real Lupin III tracks them down with help of the real gang they easily defeat their imposters as Fujiko mine films the villains Negata however has one last trick up his crooked sleeve he awakens the Robot Sigma! Sigama however doesn't respond because making has the controls and smashed it causing the robot to go haywire and destroy the evil industry just as the real Zenigata comes to see maki with the machine and all the villains captured maki thinks of Lupin III one last time. Lupin,Jigen,Goemon,and Fujiko(on a motorcycle) drive of to the sunset concluding part 2 of Lupin III